Reference no: EM132636293
MGT 524 Research Methods In Business - Abu Dhabi University
The aim of the group project is to develop and conduct scientific research. Successful completion of the research project would require
• A minimum of FIVE constructs measured on an interval scale (independent variables, dependent variable and mediating variable)
• Use of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques
The research project would proceed through the following phases, as per the respective deadlines. Note that the Project Proposal and Questionnaire needs to be approved by the instructor before moving to the next phase.
While data collection and analysis do not require a formal approval, it is recommended that you consult with the instructor in case of any concerns regarding proper analysis of your data.
The final submission of the research project is to be made by means of a research report and formal presentation. The research report needs to adhere to the following format:
1. Introduction -
a) Describe the purpose, and significance of the study, with precise research objectives
b) Statement of the problem: This is a general introduction to the topic.
c) Significance of the problem: Comment on why this question merits investigation.
d) Statement of the research questions and hypothesis: What specific research questions are being addressed in this study?
2. Literature Review - copy the individual assignment of literature review in this report
3. Theoretical Framework - identify and define the main constructs, and how they are related
4. Research Methodology - outline the research process carried out
a. Description of the research design and procedures used: completely explain step-by-step what was done.
b. Sources of data: give complete information about who, what, when, where, and how the data was collected.
c. Sampling procedures: explain how the data was limited to the amount which was gathered. If all of the available data were not utilized, how was a representative sample achieved?
d. Methods and instruments of data gathering: explain the procedures for obtaining the data, also describe the manner in which data was recorded.
e. Statistical treatment: explain the complete mathematical/statistical procedures used in analyzing the data and determining the significance of the results.
5. Results - document major findings of statistical techniques applied on the data set for quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis
Quantitative Analysis
a) Reliability Analysis
b) Frequency Analysis
c) Bivariate Analysis [t-Test, ANOVA, 2 Factor ANOVA)
d) Test for Association (Correlation Analysis)
e) Test for Influence (Multiple Regression Analysis)
f) Test for influence (Hierarchical Regression Analysis)
g) discussed each hypothesis formulated based on the result of multiple and hierarchical regression analysis.
5.2 Qualitative Analysis
6. Discussion - elaborate on the results with reference to existing literature. The discussion should be based on each Research Questions, supported with the present findings and reference to literature discussed in Literature Review section. Produce a summary of hypotheses result.
7. Conclusion - review key findings and highlight areas for future research
a. Limitations: explain the limitations that may invalidate the study or make it less than accurate.
b. Recommendations for further investigation: from the knowledge and experienced gained in undertaking this particular study, how might the study have been improved or what other possible hypotheses/thesis might be investigated in future?
8. References - List all external sources cited in text using APA format
9. Appendix - Attached the questionnaires
Attachment:- Research Methods in Business.rar