Develop and conduct a staff training session

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Reference no: EM133517781

Manage diversity in the workplace

Assessment Task 1: Briefing Report

Task summary

This assessment task requires you, in the role of the Recruitment Manager of Blue Healer Resort, to review documentation and develop a briefing report for the CEO and make changes based on feedback.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

• Access to textbooks and other learning materials
• Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
• Blue Healer Resort Set for Skilling Program Documents
• Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures
• Briefing Report template

Assessment Task 1 Instructions as provided to students

Carefully read the following scenario

Blue Healer Resort is a resort with 25 staff in a range of diverse roles. Located in one office, based in Sydney, there are a variety of different teams within the office.

The Staffing roles within each of the teams have a range of different skill sets that required to run the business, ranging from senior management staff to entry-level staff.

The company is in a period of expansion and needs to ensure that it can access a sufficient number of qualified staff. Over the last 12 months, the company has found it challenging to attain and maintain adequately trained staff. As a result, the CEO has decided to address this by rolling out a 'Set for Skilling' program.

The CEO hopes that this program will help increase staff retention and reap all the benefits of a highly skilled, diverse workplace.

The success of the Set for Skilling Program relies on your ability to work as a Recruitment Manager managing the program implementation. A vital part of the implement is your ability to educate the staff on the Blue Healer Resort diversity policy in the roll out of the Set for Skilling Program.

1. Review documents
Access and review the Blue Healer Resort Set for Skilling Program Documents in your student resource folder and locate and review the diversity policy for Blue Healer Resort from within the documents and familiarise yourself with the Dispute Resolution Policy and associated procedures.
Critically review the diversity policy and determine if it is suitable or if an update is required.
Your aim within the review is to ensure that the program is effectively implemented and that as the backbone of the program it is understood and acted upon by all staff and to ensure it aligns with the Set for Skilling Program. It needs to include clear procedures for staff to be able to follow and must include a procedure for ensuring diversity in selecting and recruiting staff.
Review the legislative requirements that are applicable to the program. Due to the recruitment changes imposed by the program, the business will now be required to adhere to legislation in all states, instead of just NSW and the diversity policy also needs to reflect this

2. Develop a briefing report
Based on your review completed, develop a briefing report for the CEO detailing your feedback and suggestions for changes to the policy and development of procedures along with ideas on strategies you plan to take to ensure the Set for Skilling program is effectively implemented, acted on and understood by the various program stakeholders, including new and existing staff.
Complete the report using the template provided in your resources folder and make sure you complete all sections.

3. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).
Attach your report to the email.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and approval to update the policy.

4. Update the Diversity Policy.
Once you have received feedback from the CEO, make the necessary changes to the Diversity Policy, write the procedures and submit to the CEO (your assessor) via email as an attachment.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

Assessment Task 2: Develop a training manual

Task summary
This assessment task requires you, in the in the role of the Recruitment Manager of Blue Healer Resort, to develop a Staff Training Manual for the Set for Skilling program to be submitted to the CEO (assessor) for review.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to student
Complete the following activities:
Carefully read the following scenario
It's time to implement strategies decided on for rolling out the program to staff members. As noted in the case study, there have been prior difficulties with some staff members and the CEO is wanting to ensure that prior difficulties and situations are addressed in the training to enable all staff to better manage any conflict in the future.
The CEO has requested that a Set for Skilling Staff Training Manual is developed and then a training session be developed and delivered based on the manual.
1. Design and develop a Set for Skilling Staff Training Manual (in the form of a pdf or word document).
The training manual should be designed to assist you, the Recruitment Manager and your team, roll out the Set for Skilling Program, program initiatives, diversity policy and associated procedures and be designed using language appropriate to the staff of Blue Healer Resort.
The Training manual should address the training needs you have identified will be required for the staff of Blue Healer Resort to successfully embrace the Set for Skilling Program and will be used as a training tool document to help you train your staff (recruitment officers) on the Set for Skilling Program, who will in turn train others within the company and new employees during induction.
The staff training manual must include:
• An introduction to the Set for Skilling Program including the program objectives and initiatives.
• The benefits of the Set for Skilling Program, in the workplace in relation to work performance, skill level and the delivery of the business's services to customers. (specifically outlining the benefits of working effectively with difference).
• A summary of the training needs identified and how the Set for Skilling Program provides solutions to these. You are to identify these by reviewing the CEO's background information in the Set for Skilling Program Document
• A process for employees to follow to help them become aware of and let go of any negative beliefs, bias or judgements they may hold toward people who are different from them. (This could be in the form of a training activity, such as questionnaire or reflection activity that could be implemented in the training).
• An overview of Blue Healer Resort's diversity policy and the dispute resolution procedures so employees are aware of the aims of the organisation in relation to diversity and the location of and the procedures to be followed if they encounter conflict in the workplace.

5. Send an email to the CEO
Email your training manual to the CEO (assessor) for review as an attachment.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and approval to move ahead with the delivery session.

Assessment Task 3:Undertake Staff Training
Task summary
In Assessment Task 3 you are required to develop and conduct a staff training session based on the Set for Skilling Employee Manual you created in Assessment Task 2. You must then create an external communication for clients based on feedback from the training.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

Assessment Task 3 Instructions as provided to students
Carefully read the following scenario
To kick off the roll out of the Set for Skilling Program, the CEO has requested you run a staff training for your team of Recruitment Officers in the Set for Skilling Program, who will then be prepared to deliver the training to others in the organisation throughout the coming months. The CEO (assessor) will sit in on this training.
You will utilise the training manual you have created as the primary tool to assist you in training the staff in the organisation requirements of the Set for Skilling Program.
1. Develop a session plan
Using the template provided in your resources folder, develop a session plan which includes timings and topics as well as brief instructions to yourself on how to run the training based on the training manual you have developed from the Set for Skilling program documentation. The session must run for approximately 30 mins and the assumption is that all of the participants are familiar with the manual. Your assessor will ensure your team is diverse in nature.
Your training must include:
• An introduction outlining the purpose and benefits of the program
• A summary of the training needs identified and how the Set for Skilling Program provides solutions to these
• An activity to help participants become aware of and let go of any negative belief systems, bias or judgements they may hold toward people who are different from them - based on what you developed in the employee manual
• An example of your own previous bias (as the Recruitment Manager) and how you overcame this and let go of pre-conceived ideas of stereotypes
• A series of activities such as role plays directly demonstrating how to follow the procedures for:
o managing tension created by difference
o identifying and managing harassment allegations
o employee conflict and complaints processes.
You need to specifically develop some role plays for the participants ensuring that you play the lead role and each of the participants has a turn to play the roles of people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. The aim of this is to demonstrate and model how to address issues of difference, manage tensions and work effectively with difference, along with demonstrating how conflict resolution techniques can be utilised. Access the case study document in your student resources folder for ideas.
Submit the session plan to your assessor for review before scheduling the training session with your assessor and delivering it.

2. Deliver the training session
Using the session plan, deliver the training to a group of three participants arranged by your assessor. Your assessor will sit in and watch the training session in the role of the CEO.

During the training you must:
• Present the information using language and body language appropriate to your team
• Encourage team collaboration
• Encourage respect for individual and team differences by role modelling
• Educate the team on Blue Healer Resort's Diversity Policy and program initiatives
• Spread a consistent message of respect for individual and team differences
• A summary of the diversity policy and procedures
• Facilitate a feedback process whereby you generate and participate in discussion to collect feedback from the team members of the training identifying:
o the key learnings and messages they received from the training
o ways that the program can be developed further to improve the business products and services and meet the organisation objectives including ways to promote diversity to clients and external stakeholders.

3. Promote diversity externally
Now that the training session has been delivered, based on feedback collected at the end of your training session, develop some type of external communication to promote the benefits of diversity and the image and reputation of the company as a leader in promoting it.
You may create the communication in any format you feel is relevant, as long as it is designed to promote diversity and portray a positive image of the organisation for clients and other stakeholders outside of the organisation which promotes is accounting services.
Submit this to your assessor.

Reference no: EM133517781

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