Reference no: EM133090316 , Length: word count:1400
LGH602 Leadership for Global Hospitality - Torrens University Australia
Reflective Report
Learning Outcome 1: Identify and appraise the application of models used to explain relevant behaviours for leadership in different contexts (service delivery and recovery, crisis and across cultures) and for different stakeholders including front-line employees, suppliers, management, and guests.
Learning Outcome 2: Develop and articulate leadership goals and strategies that will consolidate personal leadership capacity through
reflection and involvement in industry simulations.
Task Summary
Students are to develop a practical leadership development plan by reviewing current leadership self-assessment tests, theories and literature on effective leadership traits, characteristics and behaviours then applying these onto your own leadership traits, characteristics, and behaviours, particularly as they would apply in the global hospitality industry.
Undertaking self- assessment and reflection is a critical element of becoming an effective leader. This assessment will help you to identify the effective leadership traits, characteristics, and approaches relevant to your leadership development.
Leadership is an important component of professional life - both the leadership of others and oneself. The development of your leadership development plan will assist your career progression, particularly, managing teams in hospitality.
Task Instructions
To be able to construct an instructional and practical leadership development plan as a sound foundation of empirical evidence must be developed. Therefore, students are to establish this foundation by:
1. Undertaking a review of current literature to develop a practical definition of effective leadership which includes the key relevant traits, characteristics, and behaviours that can be attributed to effective leadership.
2. Benchmarking and reflecting on these traits, characteristics, and behaviours against your past leadership experiences either in your personal life, as student or at your internship or work. If you have not had direct leadership experience, then reflect on your self-leadership. This should be linked to how they may have impacted your current set of leadership skills (i.e., what experiences have positively contributed and what may have limited your development thus far).
3. Undertaking a series of leadership self-assessment tests to establish empirical benchmarks for the development of your leadership development plan.
To establish empirical benchmarks students are to undertake four (4) leadership self- assessment tests. Students may choose from any of the following leadership self- assessment tests that have been provided as part of the subject's Pre-tutorial activities:
The first step in this exercise is to use a personal SWOT matrix format to display the outcomes of the leadership self-assessment tests ensuring that each entry in the SWOT has demonstrated links (including references) to leadership theory from the course curriculum and the leadership self-assessment quizzes.
The result/outcome of each of these are to be reviewed/critically analysed to determine what areas you could use for the development of your leadership skills. It is recommended that you focus on key leadership traits, characteristics, and behaviours and avoid broad general concepts of leadership.
Having establish the foundations, students are then to construct a practical Leadership Plan outlining the three (3) key areas of development you have identified, justifying why you picked these areas and then what you will do to develop these. This includes showing your timeframes, specific actions/activities, and measures of success.
The Leadership Development Plan should be presented in a table to organise responses in a clear way that is easy to understand.
1. Area of development (what do you want to improve?) and why this aspect is important your leadership development.
2. Goals for the development (what are the ways you are going to achieve the objectives?).
3. How (what are the specific actions you plan to take to achieve each goal?).
4. When (when do you plan to complete each goal?).
The leadership development plan will be assessed on the relevance and how effectively you have applied the subject material and theories to the leadership development plan and the practical application of the plan, therefore you must demonstrate strong links to the previous sections and all actions must be well supported by sound research.
Introduction - Outlining the aims and purpose of the study - what the topic of the report is and briefly discussing what the reader will learn from reading the report.
1. Definition of Effective Leadership
2. Reflection on and evaluation of past leadership experiences
3. Critical Evaluation of the leadership self- assessment results/outcomes - include your SWOT as starting point
4. Leadership development plan
Conclusion - A summary the key points that have been made in the body of the report
It is essential that you use appropriate APA 7th edition style.
Attachment:- Leadership for Global Hospitality.rar