Reference no: EM132908895
General instructions
Scenario based Project must be submitted online through Turnitin before due date. The only circumstance in which assignments can be uploaded late via Turnitin is if a Mitigating Circumstances (MC) form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be submitted within five (5) working days. Make sure to secure MC form and submit the same to the concerned staff. Write the number of words used, excluding references, at the end of your assignment. Provide the list of sources you used at the last page of your assignment with proper label ‘References'. You may include diagrams, figures etc. without word penalty. The number of words will be + or - 10% of the total words allowed. A work declaration must be included on the first page of your assignment. This ensures that you prepare your work in good faith. Any form of collusion and/or academic unfair practice will be dealt with according to the pertinent rules and regulations of the partner university. Please carefully read the plagiarism guide. Assessment Details and Guidelines to Students: This Scenario based Project comprises 50% of the total assessments' marks. Make sure you reference (proper Harvard Referencing should be observed) any sources you have used to complete this assessment. Analytical skills. The reflection report enables the students to analyse and evaluate the benefits of the different activities done in the class. This skill will eventually help them evaluate options necessary to make decisions in the workplace. In addition, the assessment will test the following learning outcomes:
LO 1: Develop and apply current application software to support business objectives
Assessment Task
Task 1 (Microsoft Excel): (80 marks)
Online Pizza Delivery
A well renowned Pizza delivery company in Oman wants to introduce the automation process to
facilitate the customers. The Director of the company has decided to assign a task to you as a
developer to maintain the billing system for the customers.
In this regard, you are requested by him to prepare and submit a report in Excel worksheet to keep
the complete record of minimum ten (10) customers along-with the calculation of their bill amount
for Pizza(s) including Municipality Tax and Home delivery charges.
The task should contain the following:
Task 1 (a):
Create a COMPLETE worksheet with appropriate labels for this Scenario. The following should be
included in your worksheet:
i. Name of the file (Student ID - Student Name).
ii. Title of the task (table).
iii. Complete contents and headings of the table.
iv. Page orientation to Landscape along-with the professional look of document.
v. Use filter by category.
Task 1 (b):
i. Calculate the Total amount of ordered Pizza(s) by each customer by using appropriate formula in
the respected cells.
ii. Calculate the 3% Municipality Tax on Total amount of ordered Pizza(s) against each customer by
using appropriate formula in the respected cells.
iii. Calculate the Grand total after adding the Municipality Tax (3%) along-with the Home delivery
charges (RO 1.500) in the Total amount of ordered Pizza(s) against each customer by using
appropriate formula in the respected cells.Pg. 5 Version 1
iv. Display the Remarks for each customer by using IF statement.
Condition for remarks:
IF, Grand total of each customer is more than OR equal to RO 10.000, remarks would be "Get a
free soft drink",
IF, Grand total of each customer is less than RO 10.000, remarks would be "Buy more".
v. Count the number of customers given in the table by using the appropriate formula in the
respective cell.
vi. Calculate the maximum bill from Grand total column by using the appropriate formula in the
respective cell.
vii. Calculate the minimum bill from the Grand total column by using the appropriate formula in the
respective cell.
viii. Count the number of remarks "Get a free soft drink" from remarks column by using the
appropriate formula in the respective cell.
ix. Count the number of remarks "Buy more" from remarks column by using the appropriate formula
in the respective cell.
Task 1 (c):
i. Create a Column graph (labeled) that will show the Grand total of each customer.
ii. Create a Pie chart (labeled) that will show the Municipality tax amount of each customer.
Task 2 20 marks)
In a separate Microsoft Word file, write the functions that you used in all tasks mentioned in the above activity (e.g., header, footer, formulae, etc.). Explain the purpose of each function appropriately. (Word count: 250 words)Pg. 6 Version 1
Guideline to the Students:
• Check that all the data has been entered accurately
• Use formatting features to make sure the spreadsheet is easy to read and looks professional
• Use correct capitalisation
• Use correct formulas and functions
• Header (write the Student ID and Student name)
• Footer (write the Module code and Module name)
• Font - Calibri, Font Size - 12 (body), font size heading - 14
• Apply background colour in table header and the columns with formulas
• Border line should be strictly observed
Note: Complete your file(s) by keeping in mind that your document(s) should look professional and submit the original files of each task i.e. (Task 1-Microsoft Excel and Task 2-Microsoft Word) to the concerned link on Turnitin accordingly.
Section A: (Complete Worksheet by using MS Excel File)
Task 1(a)
i. Name of the file (Student ID - Student Name)
ii. Title of the task (table)
iii. Complete contents and headings of the table
iv. Page orientation to Landscape along-with the professional look of document
v. Using Filter by category
Task 1(b)
i. Calculation of Total amount of ordered Pizza(s) against each customer
ii. Calculation of 3% Municipality tax on Total amount of ordered Pizza(s) against each customer
iii. Calculation of Grand total against each customer
iv. Calculation of Remarks
v. Count number of customers given in the table
vi. Calculation of Maximum bill from Grand total column
vii. Calculation of Minimum bill from Grand total column
viii. Count the number of "Get a free soft drink" from Remarks column
ix. Count the number of "Buy more" from Remarks column
Task 1(c)
i. Column graph that will show the Grand total of each customer
ii. Pie chart that will show the Municipality tax amount of each customer
Section B: (Complete report by using MS Word File)
Task 2
Explaining the purpose of each function (e.g., header, footer, formulae, etc.)
that used in all tasks mentioned in Microsoft Excel activity.
1. Plagiarism, which can be defined as using without acknowledgement another person's words or ideas and submitting them for assessment as though it were one's own work, for instance by copying, translating from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further examples of plagiarism are given below:
Use of any quotation(s) from the published or unpublished work of other persons, whether published in textbooks, articles, the Web, or in any other format, which quotations have not been clearly identified as such by being placed in quotation marks and acknowledged.
Use of another person's words or ideas that have been slightly changed or paraphrased to make it look different from the original.
Summarising another person's ideas, judgments, diagrams, figures, or computer programmes without reference to that person in the text and the source in a bibliography or reference list.
Use of services of essay banks and/or any other agencies.
Use of unacknowledged material downloaded from the Internet.
Re-use of one's own material except as authorised by the department.
2. Collusion, which can be defined as when work that has been undertaken by or with others is submitted and passed off as solely as the work of one person. This also applies where the work of one candidate is submitted in the name of another. Where this is done with the knowledge of the originator both parties can be at fault.
3. Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or other forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.
Harvard Referencing style.
Attachment:- Information Technology in Business.rar