Reference no: EM133220328
Design and develop an organisational learning strategy
Using the feedback that you received from CEO at the meeting as well as the information you researched and evaluated for your report, note a draft organisational learning strategy for AYMA SERVICES.
Your strategy should:
1. Address the overall organisational requirements for an organisational learning strategy, as well as specific instructor and learner requirements, building on from the Learning Strategies Report you developed.
2. Include relevant units of competency as givenin the feedback provided to you at the meeting
3. Set out the learning and assessment strategies that you have developed while researching youreport and during the meeting. Each strategy should allow some flexibility, so it is more responsive to any changed circumstances or priorities.
4. Include procedures to systematically liaise with educators/instructors, learners and others tomonitor the extent to which learning strategies and learning resources are achieving the organisational learningtargets.
5. For each strategy,include responsibilities, timelines, resources and performance indicators.