Develop an online service for it training

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Reference no: EM133038053

IT Online Training (ITOT)


IT Online Training needs to develop an online service for IT training that includes scheduled courses, self-paced courses, and other training products like videos and books. The training service will be initially web-based but the architecture must have the option that different front-ends like applets, web services, or other designs can be used. The main function of the training site is to provide IT courses to its customers over the Internet. The application must cover various areas including customer management, course management, learning management system access, scheduling, purchasing through an online shopping cart; user account management, and payment management. Customers, instructors, course administrators, schedule administrators, and other administrators must have access to functions implemented in the system.

Sponsor Requirements
The sponsors of the project have identified some preliminary requirements of the system as documented below.

The following are some initial requirements of the application.

Functional Requirements
1. Purchase ITOT Products
REQF1.1 Customers must be able to purchase ITOT Products via an online shopping cart.
REQF1.2 The Customer must be able to add and remove products from an online shopping cart.
REQF1.3 Customers must be able to cancel orders.
REQF1.4 Customers must be able to purchase by credit card.
REQF1.5 System must provide certificates of completion for customers.

2. Maintain Customer information
REQF2.1 Customers must be able to create and change customer account which holds information about the Customer including customer id, first and last name, address, phone numbers for work and cell phone. Customer id is issued by the system and cannot be changed by the customer.

REQF2.2 The system must be able to store and maintain customer credit card information for each credit card including account number, account name, expiration date, and security code.
REQF2.3 The system must maintain a list of accounts in its central database.
REQF2.4 The system must be able to search and display customer information by instructors, course administrators, schedule administrators, and other administrators.

3. Maintain Products
REQF3.1 The system must be able to create, modify, and delete ITOT Products including scheduled courses, self-paced courses, videos, and books.
REQF3.2 The system must be able to maintain course information including course number, course title, course description, course type, course duration, course start date, course end date, course prerequisites, CEU credits, and course fee.
REQF3.3 The system must be able to maintain video information including video id, video name, and video fee.
REQF3.4 The system must be able to maintain book information including title, authors, date, edition, and ISBN.
REQF3.5 The system must maintain course history including offering dates (beginning and ending), number of students enrolled, and instructor.
REQF3.6 The system must provide search capability for courses based on title, category, popular course, recent releases, planned courses.
REQF3.7 The system must provide access to all course maintenance features to the Course Administrator.

4. Maintain Instructor Information
REQF4.1 The system must maintain Instructor information including instructor id, instructor first and last name, address, cell and home phone, areas of teaching expertise, bio, and stipend.
REQF4.2 The system must be able to provide reports of instructor schedules and courses taught
5. Maintain Course Schedules
REQF5.1 The system must be able to create, modify, and delete course schedule information in its central database including course title, course number, course description, course prerequisites, course type, length of course, course outline, schedule dates, and instructor information.
REQF5.2 The system must be able to query course schedules and display results for all users based on keyword, title, and schedule.
REQF5.3 The system must provide all course schedule maintenance features to the Course Schedule Administrator.

6. Manage Shopping Cart
REQF6.1 The system must be able to provide a shopping cart feature for customers to select and pay for courses.
REQF6.2 The system must provide a Shopping Cart Item which lists each item in the Shopping Cart including quantity, item number, item name, cost, shipping, coupons, discount, and total.
REQF6.3 The system must be able to provide customers with the ability to update the shopping cart including increasing the number of items, removing items, calculating shipping costs, and applying coupons and discounts.
REQF6.3 The system must be able to provide payment options for the customer including credit cards.

7. Access Credit Card Service
REQF7.1 The system must be able to link to an external Credit Card Service.

8. Access the Accounting System
REQF8.1 The system must provide a link to the Accounting System for the transfer of customer payment information.

9. Provide User Management
REQF9.1 The system must provide management of User with user name and password for all users of the system including customers and employees. Users can login and logout of the system.
REQF9.2 The system must implement a password policy that includes strong passwords including 8-15 symbols including letters (at least one upper case), digits, and special symbols like "!".
REQF9.3 The system must maintain password history and not allow the reuse of the last three passwords
REQF9.4 The system must encrypt passwords.

Non-Functional Requirements
1. Design a Scalable Architecture
REQNF1.1 The training application must be capable of maintaining customer accounts for up to 100,000 customer accounts during the first six month and 1,000,000 after six months.
REQNF1.2 The training application must be capable of servicing up to 1,000 simultaneous customers initially and up to 10,000 after six months.
REQNF1.3 The training application must be capable of handling 100 search requests per minute and up to 1,000 search requests after six months.
REQNF1.4 The training application must be capable of handling up to 100 purchases per hour and 1,000 after six months.

2. Implement Security

REQNF2.1 The system shall implement the industry standard security features, including PCI compliance, for using secure web pages for all sensitive transactions including account, password, and payment management.
REQNF2.2 The system shall provide protection from the common web security threats including Injection, Weak Authentication and session management; cross site scripting (XSS); Insecure Direct Object References; Security Misconfiguration; Sensitive Data Exposure; Missing Function Level Access control; Cross Site Request Forgery; Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities; Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards; price manipulation through hidden fields or cookies; buffer overflow and other security risks detailed in OWASP Top Ten

Analysis Specification

This document is intended to provide a partial analysis specification for the project case study, IT Online Training. This document includes an introduction, use case diagrams, detailed use cases, activity diagrams, domain class diagrams, and domain state diagram. Parts of this specification will come from the IT Online Training Specification and from your assignments. This document integrates some of the analysis diagrams and project specification details to provide a single reference.Headings are used to provide easier navigation. To see the heading navigation, in Word click on the View tab and check the Navigation Pane box.

You will submit this document for each assignment with new sections completed and added to it. You can revise any previous sections as needed. Remember to insert you name and class information at the top of this document.>

1. Introduction
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section using the IT Online Training Specification. >

1.1 Problem Description
<Insert your description of the problem to be automated.>

1.2 Sponsor Project Description
<Insert your description of the problem based on the IT Online Training Specification.>

1.3 Sponsor Requirements
<Insert all of the sponsor requirements of the applicationbased on the IT Online TrainingSpecification. You can just copy/paste to this section.>

2. System Use Case Diagram
<Provide a brief introduction to the contents of this whole section.>

2.1 System Use Case Diagram
<Create a use case diagram and insert your use case diagram here. Remember that use cases are named with a verb + object like "Create Customer".>

2.2 Use Case Diagram Description
<Insert a description of the System Use Case Diagram.>

2.3 List of Actors and Definitions
<Insert your list of actors and definitions. Remember that actors are nouns or noun phrases and represent persons, devices, or other systems that are external to the system and will use the system. In the sentence below define your actors byreplacing the "actorName" with the name of your actor and complete the sentence:
"An actorName is a ...".
Then add additional details as necessary. Use the following table format.>

2.4 List of Use Cases and Description
<Insert your list of use cases and description. Remember that use cases are named with a verb + object like "Create Student". Create a table like the example below.>
3. Detailed Use Case and Activity Diagram
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>

3.1. <Use Case Name> Use Case
<Add the name of the required use case replacing <Use Case Name> above with the actual name of your use case Manage Shopping Cart Use Case. For exampleit might read Manage Shopping Cart Use Case. Create a Use Case Diagram and paste it here>

3.1.1. <Use Case Name> Use Case Description/Scenario
<Add the name of your use case replacing <Use Case Name> above with the actual name of your use case, for example, Manage Shopping CartUse Case Description/Scenario. In this section insert a description/scenario for this use case.>

3.1.2 <Use Case Name> Use Case Detailed Steps
<Complete the following detailed use case table>.
3.1.3<Use Case Name> Form/Screen Mockup and Dialog
<Add the name of your use case replacing <Use Case Name> above with the actual name of your use case like Manage Shopping Cart so that it reads Manage Shopping Cart Form/Screen Mockup.

Provide a mockup (image)of whatever forms/screensthat are used to illustrate the activities in your use case. Include a description of your forms/screens. These should support and illustrate your use case. For example for a Create Customer use case, a Create Customer screen with customer id, first and last name, address, phone numbers for work and cell phone boxes and a Submit Button would be an example of a form or web screen.

Include a discussion of the form including its content (data elements) and how they will be used. Identify the classes has these attributes.Include a dialog (step by step instructions on what happens when this form is used. While these forms/screens will be used in the application, they are also used as a storyboard to explain the user interface to the sponsors of the project. These can be used to create and verify the steps of your detailed use case.>

3.1.4 Activity Diagram Name for Use Case <Name> and Discussion
<Add the actual name of your use case replacing "<Name>" above with the actual name of your use case like Manage Shopping Cart. For example, Activity Diagram for Use Case Manage Shopping Cart. Insert the following:
1. An activity diagram for your use case
2. A discussion of the activity diagram.
Remember that the detailed use case steps should be reflected in your activity diagram.>

4. Domain Class Diagram
<Provide a brief introduction to the contents of this section.>

4.1 Domain Class Diagram(s)
<Create a Domain Class Diagram and insert it here. Remember that classes are named with nouns or noun phrases. A domain class diagram includes classes with attributes and operations for each class and named relationships with multiplicity constraints. Associations need names. You do not need a name for generalization, aggregation, and composition relationships. You must have names for associations.

4.2 Class and Relationship Analysis
<Insert your completed Class and Relationship Analysis here.>

Then on the class diagram association between Instructor and Course you can name the association "teaches" and add the multiplicity constraints (1) near Instructor and (0..1) near Course.

4.3 List of Classes with Definitions, Attributes, and Operations
<Insert an alphabetical list of classes with a brief definition of each class, attributes, operations, and requirement number from the IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018 document. Remember that class names are nouns or noun phrases. To define a class, complete the phrase "A className is a ...". Additional information can then be added.Attributes are properties of a class like "customerID" and begin with a lowercase letter. Operations are actions that a class can perform and begin with a lower case letter followed by parentheses (). We can create a new instance of a class (Create), delete an instance of a class (remove), get ( read) values of the attribute, or set (change) values of the attribute. See the examples in the table below. The examples below include all of the getter/setter methods for the attributes. You do not need to include them in this assignment, but for Assignment 2 when you create your class diagram, you can use the features of our CASE to so that the getter/setter methods will automatically be added. For now you can use a high level modify() and read() to represent the getter/setter methods. Later In design these will be modified depending on the technology used. During analysis we want to be independent of technology as much as possible.>

4.3.1 List of Classes, Attributes, Operations, and Requirement Number Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your list of classes, attributes, operations, and requirements.>

4.4 Domain Class Diagram Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your Domain Class Diagram.>

5. Domain State Diagram
<Insert a description of the contents of this section.>

5.1 <Classname> State Diagram and Discussion
<Replace <Classname>above with the name of the required class ShoppingCart State Diagram so that it reads like ShoppingCart State Diagram and Discussion.See the examples of state diagrams in the assignment. Complete the following:
1. Insert a state diagram for the class from your class diagram as indicated in the assignment.
2. Provide a brief discussion of your State Diagram.>

6. Sequence Diagrams
<Insert a description of the contents of this section.>

6.1 System Sequence Diagram (SSD) for <Use Case Name> Use Case and Description
<Replace <Use Case Name>above with the name of your detailed Use Case like Manage Shopping Cart so that it reads like System Sequence Diagram (SSD) for Manage Shopping Cart Use Case.

1. Insert a description of your SSD.

2. Insert a UML System Sequence Diagram (SSD) for your use case from Section 3 above. An SSD shows the actor and the System and the messages (including message name and parameters) required to implement the detailed use case description from Section 3. The SSD shows the inputs and outputs to/from the system for the use case.>

6.2 Detailed Sequence Diagram for <Use Case Name> Use Case and Discussion
<Replace <Use Case Name>above with the name of your use case like Manage Shopping Cart so that it reads like Detailed Sequence Diagram for Manage Shopping Cart Use Case and Description.

1. Insert a UML Detailed Sequence Diagram for your use case. A Detailed Sequence diagram shows the actor and instead of the System like in the SSD, it will show all of the objects (instances of classes) that are required to implement the use case. Your Class Diagram will be helpful here. The net messages should be the same as in your SSD above but you will have more detailed messages including message name and parameters among the different objects that are actually required to implement the use case. So now you will add objects across the top of your diagram and omit System. Include a discussion of your Detailed Sequence Diagram.>

2. Insert a discussion of your Detailed Sequence Diagram.

Attachment:- Training Project Requirements.rar

Reference no: EM133038053

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11/29/2021 11:13:08 PM

Read over the IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2 document and then complete the Analysis Specification Template. The template requires various diagrams and paragraphs to be completed. The template has instructions listed in blue.

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