Develop an interesting program in ruby

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131268802

Object oriented design

Programming project

Develop an interesting program in Ruby.

Possible projects:

- Significantly enhance one of the programming assignments from this course.

- Develop a game, such as a board, adventure, word, or computer game.

- Develop a domain-specific language (DSL) within Ruby, such as for manipulating files in a directory system, editing files, generating quizzes, describing graphical or geographical scenes, and adding and viewing entries in a calendar.

- Develop useful metaprogramming tools, similar to the attr_* class methods, or the methods defined in the Forwardable or Singleton modules.

Reference no: EM131268802

Questions Cloud

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Measure of inflation is the annual rate of change : A TV news story says that the rate of change of inflation for consumer prices is increasing. What does this say about the shape of the graph of the CPI?
Develop an interesting program in ruby : Develop an interesting program in Ruby and Develop a game, such as a board, adventure, word, or computer game.
Draw a copy of the given in risa two-d and solve the mistake : Draw a copy of the attachement in RISA 2D and solve the mistake and the mistake. There is a typographic error on the frame diagram, in the first bay the upper dimension for the span and the load should be 12' instead of 8'.
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Taxonomy of multiple-access protocols : Q1. Draw the taxonomy of Multiple-access Protocols. Q2. What is the advantage of token passing protocol over CSMA/CD protocol?
What does say about the shape of the graph of the ppi : A government report states that the rate of change of inflation for producer prices is decreasing. What does this say about the shape of the graph of the PPI?


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