Develop an initial training plan for the company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131404599 , Length: 7

Unit 1 IP : Introduction to Market Research

Assignment Objective:

Explain the Value of Market Research, Competitive Analysis, and Customer's Buying Decisions and Switching Patterns.

Assignment Details:

You have been hired as an outside consultant for a large durable medical equipment and medical supply company. The company specializes in a wide range of medical supplies and equipment. Some of its most profitable offerings include hospital bed rental to private residents, wheelchairs, walkers, scooter and other mobility equipment. However, they have come to realize that competition is increasing and market share is getting tight.

They note that most of their customers are new costumers and very few are repeat customers. They are concerned with customer loyalty. The medical supply company owner has asked you to train develop a plan to improve customer loyalty and train the staff.

Create a report that describes and critically analyzes at least 5 contemporary best practices to improve customer loyalty in a health care organization.

Be sure to discuss the (multiple) benefits that loyal, repeat customers offer to health care organizations.

Develop and defend at least 4 recommendations for the medical supply company based on your research on how to improve customer loyalty. Include a brief overview of how each recommendation would be implemented at the company.

Develop an initial training plan for the company relative to 1 recommendation, explaining expected results in terms of staff and customer outcomes.

The body of the resultant paper should be 5-7 pages and include at least 5 relevant peer-reviewed academic or professional references published within the past 5 years.

Reading Assignment: Berkowitz: Ch. 1-3; Jacobsen: Ch. 1-4

Reference no: EM131404599

Questions Cloud

Are there any cities that appear to be outliers : Are there any cities that appear to be outliers because they don't fit the pattern of the rest of the data? If so, which city or cities are they?
Compute the mean rate of return and the standard deviation : Next, compute the mean rate of return and the standard deviation of returns for both your stocks and the stock market. Compute the beta value for each stock and plot the characteristic lines of the 2 companies on 2 graphs
Explain how the demand curves for normal products : Explain how the demand curves for normal products and for prestige products differ. what are demand shifts and why are they important marketers? How do firms go about estimating demand? how can marketers estimate the elasticity of demand?
Find the value of the pearson correlation coefficient : Assuming that the cost of parking is dependent on the distance the car park is from the city centre, plot the data on a scatter diagram.
Develop an initial training plan for the company : You have been hired as an outside consultant for a large durable medical equipment and medical supply company. The company specializes in a wide range of medical supplies and equipment. Some of its most profitable offerings include hospital bed re..
Why are the itemized deductions what they are : Why are the itemized deductions what they are? Why allow home mortgage interest, but not credit card interest? Why allow medical expense deductions, not school expense deductions?
Whether you think pattern of plot is linear or curvilinear : Does the plot show a positive association, a negative association, or no association between the two variables? Explain.- Explain whether you think the pattern of the plot is linear or curvilinear.
Determine whether or not us could adopt their taxation model : Determine whether or not the U.S. could adopt their taxation model without reducing its total amount of revenue generated by collecting personal income taxes from individuals and business.
Describe the type of business you have created : Describe the type of business you have created including the product or service, and general staffing plan. Provide a rationale for your plan. The form of your business and the benefits it offers your particular business.


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