Develop an initial design of your project

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132982592


Part 1 - Requirements: In this part you need to gather requirements and develop an Initial Design of your project, showing your project plan and its justification. The requirement is the expectation of project stakeholders on project outcomes. Indeed, collect requirements is the process of determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs & requirements to meet project objectives.

You need to write 1500 words summary on initial project information, elicit high level requirements, classify and prioritize the high-level requirements, choose a software development methodology and justify its choice, initial project timeline, and preliminary budget breakdown. You need to work in groups of 3-5 students.

Part 2 - Design Project Report: In this part, you are required to complete Project Documentation presented as a formal report to the client showing plans, detailed requirements elicitation, detailed requirements analysis and prioritization, high level design, detailed component design, justifications for the choice of software development models, create a Hi-Fidelity prototype following the design principles learned as part of the unit, formal documentation, budget breakdown, and detailed project timeline. You need to work in groups of 4-5 students and write 3000 words report for this part.


Reference no: EM132982592

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