Develop an implementation plan that sets out the actions

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Reference no: EM13873605

Assessment: Analysis of Data Collected

Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

In this task you will undertake a number of steps to plan improvements in your workplace, set efficiency targets and plan to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your improvements.

You will also need to implement the improvements as well as monitoring and evaluation strategies. During this task, you will be required to support and supervise co-workers or team members to assist them in implementing your improvements.

This task will require you to analyse current workplace policies, objectives, practices and resource usage to plan for effective improvements. You will use the information you have collected in Assessment Task to set efficiency targets. You will then plan a method of measuring, monitoring and evaluating resource usage. Throughout the process, you will need to seek suggestions and feedback from stakeholders and collect information from a range of sources to plan your improvements.

In the second half of this task you will follow a number of steps to support a work team to implement your planned improvements. You will use techniques and tools to: effectively implement changes; support team members in adjusting to changes; and monitor the progress of your changes against efficiency targets.

In Assessment Task, you will use the information you have gathered in this task to report on your outcomes and identify where further adjustments to your improvements need to be made. Make sure that you keep your own copies of documents and information in a safe place to use them in Assessment Task.


You are required to complete the following steps.

1. Consult with stakeholders (e.g. team members and customers) to ask for suggestions for sustainability improvements. Write a brief summary of the results of the consultation.

2. Using your process maps and your resource measurements, the outcomes of consultation and the information you collected in Assessment Task 1, identify two improvements that will increase your work team's resource efficiency. For example, you may decide to:

a. decrease resource use

b. use alternative sources of power

c. use alternative raw materials

d. decrease waste produced

e. recycle wastes

f. use recycled raw materials

3. Using your process maps and your resource measurements, the outcomes of consultation and the information you collected in Assessment Task, set efficiency targets by filling out the efficiency targets plan.

4. Develop an implementation plan that sets out the actions you will use to implement, monitor and evaluate changes. You may find it helpful to fill out the implementation plan template attached. Make sure to identify and plan to manage any risks to health and safety.

5. Source one technique or tool that will help your work team achieve efficiency targets (e.g. a trigger nozzle for reducing water use; recycling bins; a procedure for a new, sustainable practice; an online resource; a monitoring checklist).

6. Use the efficiency targets that you developed in Assessment Task 1 to develop targets for your team.

7. Hold a meeting with your team to explain the changes that will be implemented and the tool or technique you will be using to implement the changes. Take notes during or after the meeting to submit to your assessor.

8. Measure and document the resource use (preferably using the same methods as in Assessment Task 1 where possible) as changes are implemented for the duration determined in your implementation plan, or as long as is required to determine changes in resource use. You may want to use the environmental monitoring table provided.

9. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.

Reference no: EM13873605

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