Reference no: EM133203467 , Length: Word Count: 3000 Words
ALC 302 Assignment - Content Creation Proposal Presentation
YOUR MISSION - This task requires you to write a 2000-word project proposal for your own start-up idea. You will then develop an 800-word blog post with an embedded 3-4 minute pitch video (uploaded to YouTube). The blog post and video should be designed to promote and sell your start-up (brand) to potential investors and consumers.
This is a hypothetical scenario, and you will not be required to develop your start-up concept, but the research you do and media you produce throughout this and the second assessment task can make fantastic contributions to your online portfolio!
This is your opportunity to dream!
Develop an idea for a business or social enterprise that you are interested in. The key to presenting a strong concept will be to research current brands in your area of interest and try to find a 'gap' in the market that you can target.
In the initial research phase before writing up your proposal, make some notes to address the following points:
1. What is your start-up idea? Be as specific and detailed as possible here.
2. What need or gap in the market can you address?
3. Who is your target audience?
4. What are your brand objectives?
5. What are your brand values?
6. Strengths
7. Limitations, and how you will address these
8. Conduct a SWOT analysis of a direct competitor (more detail in unit materials)
WRITING YOUR PROJECT PROPOSAL - Write a 2000-word project proposal that describes your start-up concept. You need to draw on at least three academic sources (peer-reviewed) and two non-academic sources as part of your proposal. Tips for including sources in your proposal can be found in the unit materials.
You should divide your project proposal into sections and sub-headings to address the following points:
What is your start-up concept?
What need or gap in the market are you addressing?
Who is your target audience?
What are your brand objectives?
What are the strengths of your brand?
What are the limitations or challenges for your brand and how will you address these?
What does your research into the market, and particular competitor/s, reveal?
You may use prescribed or recommended unit readings as sources, but you don't have to. Include your list of academic sources in Harvard style at the end of your project proposal.
Write an 800-word blog post that engages your target audience in critical and creative ways. Your aim is to convince potential customers/investors that your start-up concept is compelling and worthy of support!
Your blog should be written to engage your target audience (for your start-up concept) through strategic uses of a creative title, written tone, structure, and images and/or infographics. There is no need to mention the unit code or assignment number anywhere in your work!
You can write in the first-person ('I', 'my', etc.)
You should address the following areas at a minimum:
What is your start-up concept?
What are the key features?
What are the key benefits?
What are the limitations or risks for your start-up and how will you seek to mitigate these?
A call-to-action (what do you want your audience to do in response to your blog)?
YOUR VIDEO - Plan, record and edit a 3-4 minute video pitch for your start-up concept.
Present your video as a pitch that would appeal to your target audience/investors.
Be as creative as you like! You should record yourself speaking to the camera and incorporate some overlay images, footage and music as part of the video.
Valuable strategies when developing your video include:
Research, planning and scripting
Recording yourself speaking to-camera
Framing and positioning
Shot composition
Engagement with the audience
Audio quality
Using a selection of creative source material (images, video and music or sound effects)
Creating a customised thumbnail