Develop an estimated regression equation

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131549588

Case Study Analysis

The National Football League (NFL) records a variety of performance data for individuals and teams. Some of the year-end performance data for the 2005 season are contained in the file named NFLStats. Each row of the data set corresponds to an NFL team, and the teams are ranked by winning percentage. Descriptions for the data follow:

WinPct: Percentage of games won

TakeInt: Takeway interceptions; total number of interceptions made by the team's defense

TakeFum: Takeaway fumbles; the total number of fumbles recovered by the team's defense

GiveInt: Giveway interceptions; the total number of interceptions made by the team's offense

GiveFum: Giveway fumbles, the total number of fumbles made by the team's offense

DefYds/G: Average number of yards per game given up on defense

RushYds/G: Average number of rushing years per game

PassYds/G: Average number of passing yards per game

FGPct: Percentage of field goals

1. Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPct using DefYds/G. RushYds/G, PassYds/G, and FGPct. Discuss your findings including interpretation of slope of each variable and significance, using at least 100 words. Use α=0.05.

2. Starting with the estimated regression equation developed in part (A), delete any independent variables that are not significant and develop a new estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPct. Use α=0.05.

3. Some football analysts believe that turnovers are one of the most important factors in determining a team's success. With Takeaways=TakeInt+TakeFum and Giveaways=GiveInt+GiveFum, let NetDiff=Takeaways-Giveways. Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPct using NetDiff. Compare your results with the estimated regression equation developed in part.

4. Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict WinPct using all the data provided, and interpret the regression results. In other words, what are the most important factors affecting percentage games won? What are the least important factors?

Discuss this using at least 100 words

Attachment:- nflstats.rar

Reference no: EM131549588

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