Develop an enterprise data model

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133496893

Database Systems


This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve students' skills to analyze organization database requirements, develop a data model to reflect the organization's business rules. This assessment covers the following LOs.

1. Synthesize user requirements/inputs and analyse the matching data processing needs, demonstrating adaptability to changing circumstances.

2. Develop an enterprise data model that reflects the organization's fundamental business rules; refine the conceptual data model, including all entities, relationships, attributes, and business rules.

3. Derive a physical design from the logical design taking into account application, hardware, operating system, and data communications networks requirements; further use of data manipulation language to query, update, and manage a database

Case Study

This assignment concerns a liquor shop chain in Sydney, called the A-one liquor (AL). The objective of this assignment is to develop a database system that will be used to centrally store and manage all relevant information for the branches of AL.

The information to be stored include information on different branches of AL (e.g., Bankstown, Hornsby, etc.), types of drinks they sell (beers, wines, cedars, etc.), staff they employ (Retail Assistants, Shelving Assistants, etc.), AL Members (AL Loyalty Card holders). The basic requirements gathered from the stake holders is presented in the following four points. As typically the case, these requirements are often underspecified. Use your judgment in interpreting them when required and keep a note of the assumptions you made.

1. Branch Information: The AL System shall keep information on each branch including its name and address, and the number of employees who work there. The system shall also contain information on which days (Mon-Sun) the branch is open, and opening hours. It will also keep information on opening hours (e.g., Mon-Fri 10:00AM-5:30PM; Sat 9:00AM-9:00PM; Sun Closed).

2. Product Information: The system shall contain relevant information on products of different types at the "item level", such as: (wine/beer/spirit/...), packaging info (can/bottle/...), volume (e.g., 375ml X 6 pack), price, and brand (e.g., Tooheys Old Dark Ale), as well as current stock level.

3. Staff Information: The system shall record information on staff members who work at different branches of AL. This will include their roles, type of employment (e.g., permanent, casual), salary (annual or hourly depending on permanent or casual), as well as who they report to (i.e., supervisors).

4. Membership Information: The system shall record information on AL members, including type of membership (Platinum/Gold/Silver), and when the membership will expire.

Task 1:
Investigate and identify data requirement for the given study by providing list of required entities, list of attributes in each of these entities, and the unique identifier for each entity.

Task 2:
Develop an Entity-Relationships Diagram for the given scenario (It must contain entities and unique identifiers in terms of keys, relationships between the entities including relationships constraints, and the attributes).

Task 3:
Derive the physical design having detail of entities, primary and foreign keys, detail of all the attributes.

Reference no: EM133496893

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