Develop an employee relations strategy

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Reference no: EM132340161

Manage Employee Relations Assignment -

Assessment Task 1: Develop an employee relations strategy

Performance objective - This task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary for developing an employee relations strategy.

Assessment description - You will complete a series of activities based on the role of Human Resources Manager at Safety Traffic Co. Using the case study details, you will identify long-term employee relations objectives, analyse existing employee relations performance and strategic and operational plans to develop options for employee relations strategy and policies.

You will then evaluate these options in terms of cost benefit, risk analysis and legislative requirements and prepare a proposal strategy for management to review.


1. Review the Safety Traffic Co. case study provided to you by your assessor.

2. Prepare a draft proposal of an employee relations strategy. Your draft proposal needs to:

a. identify and describe three long-term employee relations objectives for Safety Traffic Co.

b. analyse current employee relations performance

c. develop several employee relations strategy or policy options for each of your identified employee relations objectives

d. identify relevant Safety Traffic Co. stakeholders for each option and include a description of how they will be consulted

e. evaluate each option including a cost-benefit analysis and an assessment of risk (include a completed cost, benefit analysis and risk assessment template, provided in Appendix 1) and a determination of the likelihood of risk preventing the organisation meeting its objectives and the possible consequences of such an event on organisational performance

f. document the legislative requirements and key considerations for each option

g. include a discussion of how your identified long-term employee relations objectives meet the needs of the organisation and how they address current employee relations issues.

3. Write a formal email to schedule a meeting with relevant stakeholders with Safety Traffic Co. to discuss your draft proposal.

4. Submit all documentation as per specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.

Note: For Assessment Task 2, you will need to refer to work submitted for this assessment task.

Specifications - You must provide:

1. a draft proposal of an employee relations strategy

2. a formal email to arrange a suitable time with relevant stakeholders at Safety Traffic Co. to discuss the proposal.

Your assessor will be looking for:

Skills to develop and evaluate options for an employee relations strategy and policies in a proposal that should make reference to existing employee relations performance and include:

  • an evaluation for each option of the costs and benefits and an analysis of whether the costs are outweighed by the benefits
  • a determination of the likelihood of risk preventing the organisation meeting its objectives and the possible consequences of such an event on organisational performance.

Demonstration of innovation and problem-solving skills to manage and resolve important employee relations issues

Demonstration of planning and time management skills to meet critical deadlines, sequence tasks, prepare submissions and present cases

Knowledge of long-term employee relations objectives should include where relevant:

  • management of grievances, conflict situations and dispute resolution procedures
  • employee commitment
  • employee satisfaction
  • job design
  • negotiation outcomes
  • organisational culture
  • relations with unions or other peak bodies
  • restructuring
  • salary, remuneration, benefits or bonuses
  • workforce planning
  • workforce reform.

Knowledge of current Australian industrial relations system and relevant federal, state and territory legislation, such as work health and safety, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination law.

Assessment Task 2: Implement an employee relations strategy

Performance objective - This task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to implement employee relations options and identify and arrange for related training needs of personnel.

Assessment description - You are required to complete a series of activities based on the role of Human Resources Manager at Safety Traffic Co.

As part of Assessment Task 1, you developed an employee relations strategy proposal for Safety Traffic Co. which was submitted to the management team for review. You have just received an email confirmation that the top three most cost effective options in your proposal have been approved.

You are now required to develop an implementation plan describing how the employee relations strategy will be actioned into work operations at Safety Traffic Co.

Procedure -

1. Review the Safety Traffic Co. case study provided to you by your assessor.

2. Based on the three most cost effective employee relations options you developed in the draft employee relations proposal in Assessment Task 1, develop an implementation and contingency plan for the employee relations strategy. See Appendix 1 for the implementation and contingency plan template. Your plan should include:

a. the employee relations options being implemented

b. activities required for implementation

c. timeline

d. resources required

e. costs

f. people responsible for tasks

g. contingency plans

3. Develop a training implementation plan that outlines training that will be delivered to: support the implementation of employee relations options; and improve site supervisors' skills in conflict management techniques. See Appendix 2 for the training plan template. Your plan should include:

a. learning objectives

b. required competencies

c. training methods

d. number of training sessions

e. proposed time-frame to complete training.

4. Develop a plan describing how the employee relations strategy will be reviewed over the next 12 months. Identify how you will determine whether long-term employee relations objectives and current organisational needs are being met. See Appendix 3 for the monitoring and review plan template.

Specifications - You must provide:

  • an implementation and contingency plan for the employee relations strategy
  • a training implementation plan outlining: how training will be provided to middle management and site supervisors to support the employee relations strategy; and how site supervisors will be provided with training in conflict management techniques
  • a monitoring and review plan describing how the performance of the employee relations strategy will be monitored over the next twelve months.

Your assessor will be looking for:

  • demonstration of innovation and problem-solving skills to develop implementation, training and monitoring and review plans
  • demonstration of planning and time management skills to meet critical deadlines, sequence tasks and prepare submissions.

Assessment Task 3: Manage grievance and conflict situations

Performance objective - To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop a grievance policy and procedure and implement strategies to achieve successful outcomes in grievance situations.

Assessment description - You will complete a series of activities based on the role of Human Resources Manager at Safety Traffic Co. Using the case study details, you will develop a grievance policy and procedure and a strategy for reporting and managing conflicts and disputes.

In the second part of this activity, you will apply employee relations policies and plans in providing guidance to the Safety Traffic Co. Operations Manager on how to resolve a workplace grievance and go about implementing a new agreement.

Procedure -

Part A -

1. Develop a grievance policy and procedure for Safety Traffic Co. Use the policy and procedure layout in Appendix 1 as a guide for the format of your policy and procedure. The grievance policy and procedure should include the following information.

a. Safety Traffic Co. expectations and standards for grievances and disputes.

b. A formal procedure describing how staff may lodge a grievance and have their matter handled including internal and external escalation procedures.

c. A formal procedure for the manager describing:

i. suitable responses to the initial dispute

ii. how to check documentation and other sources to clarify issues

iii. possible assistance and advice from internal and external sources

iv. negotiation strategy options

v. options for representation of the organisation's position

vi. documenting and certifying agreed outcomes

vii. implementation of agreements

viii. monitoring and review of agreed actions

ix. follow-up actions to manage possible breaches.

Part B -

1. Review the Safety Traffic Co. case study describing a grievance situation.

2. Develop a formal written report to the Operations Manager describing how the grievance must be managed in accordance with the organisation's policy and procedure and how a new collective agreement will be negotiated and implemented. The report must identify the following information:

a. the source of the disputes

b. relevant legislation and principles that apply to the case

c. key parties involved in the dispute

d. actions required to avoid potential industrial action

e. valid information sources that serve to clarify issues with complainants

f. additional sources of support and advice, including employer associations and Fair Work Australia.

In addition to the above information, you must describe in the report to the Operations Manager how you would go about:

a. negotiating new working conditions with key parties to resolve the disputes using a formal collective agreement

b. advocating the organisation's position in negotiations with employees to obtain a new collective agreement that is fair for the employer and employees

c. documenting and certifying agreements with the relevant authority

d. implementing the new collective agreement

e. determining adherence to agreed actions and addressing any non-compliance.

Specifications - You must provide:

  • a grievance policy and procedure
  • a formal written report addressed to the Operations Manager detailing the nature of the grievance based on the case study provided and an appropriate negotiation and follow-up strategy.

Your assessor will be looking for:

Skills to develop and follow a grievance policy and grievance handling procedures

Communication skills to advocate, consult, negotiate and mediate conflict

Demonstration of innovation and problem-solving skills to manage and resolve grievances and disputes

Demonstration of planning and time management skills to meet critical deadlines, sequence tasks, prepare submissions and present cases

Knowledge of enterprise and workplace bargaining processes

Knowledge of key entities in the Australian industrial relations system, including:

  • courts and tribunals
  • trade unions
  • employer bodies

Knowledge of relevant federal, state and territory legislation, such as work health and safety, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination law.

Attachment:- Manage Employee Relations Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132340161

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