Develop an employee motivation plan for the group

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132462523

Question: The firm's newest large outlet in Japan is located in Tokyo, Japan. Although the store has enormous potential, the salespeople (comprised of both Americans and Japanese) are not working together well and the negative attitudes of some team members are bringing others down and hindering team performance. Develop an employee motivation plan for this group, taking into consideration both American and Japanese motivation approaches, leadership, as well as group dynamics and communication. Consider both individual and team rewards. Also consider what the Japanese think of the Americans, and the Americans of the Japanese. Provide an introduction that explains the source of some of the issues and be sure to state the intended outcome of the plan including business results.

APA format is mandatory (in text and in the reference section).

There are two main types of databases accessible in the library, through "FIND ARTICLES & BOOKS." Keep in mind that the most popular databases are: ABI Inform Global Collection, Academic Search Complete, and Business Source Complete. As a graduate student, you must steer away from inferior Web sites with anonymous writers, articles found on consultant Web sites, materials on sites like,, etc. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias most often repeat the information from your text. Acceptable Internet resources include among others government sites (especially for statistics). You are not permitted to use any open-source Web site in this course.

Reference no: EM132462523

Questions Cloud

Where do you stand on the nature-nurture debate : Where do you stand on the nature/nurture debate? Is aggression a learned behavior? Please provide specific examples to your point of view.
Determine the financial performance of the company : Evaluate the financial performance of your company by creating a complete financial statement review.Describe any positive or negative trends
Evaluate the feasibility of a venture : What is the purpose of pro forma and what are the consequences for the business of not using pro forma statements?evaluate the feasibility of a venture
How culture and local practices affect motivational aspects : When a large employer has locations in countries outside of the U.S., a standardized benefits program for all employees across the globe may be impractical.
Develop an employee motivation plan for the group : The firm's newest large outlet in Japan is located in Tokyo, Japan. Although the store has enormous potential, the salespeople (comprised of both Americans).
Examine which ethical implications should be considered : Explain how the demographic diversity of your employees affects discussions of cultural diversity. Examine which ethical implications should be considered.
Discuss advantages and potential risks of such an approach : Please respond to the following: What incentives influence firms to use international strategies? What are the three basic benefits firms can gain.
Identify budget cost factors, and introduce saving measures : Imagine you have been asked to present at a town hall meeting. You are presenting the details of a new local policy that is being proposed. Your audience wants.
Will you collect variable measurements : For this assignment, complete the data analysis plan for your research project (remember this is a hypothetical research study that you will not conduct).


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