Develop an e-r diagram and class diagram

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13779717

This assignment is based on a Pizza Parlor's ability to track online orders similar to dominoes online tracker that gives the customers up to date information on the status of their pizza

At this point, you are ready to execute the next phase in system development life cycle (SDLC), which is the design phase. Exploiting the research that you have performed in this week's Discussion Board on the set of modeling tools, document the design for the application project that you selected.


For this assignment, you will use Visio Software Application to develop the design employing the following computer-aided software engineering (CASE) modeling tools:

Use case

Functional decomposition diagram

Entity-relationship (E-R) diagram, data flow diagram (DF), or class diagram

Sequence diagram

Mock-up or storyboard of the user interface screens

The project deliverables are as follows:

Update the System Requirements, Design, and Implementation Specification title page with new date.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback.

System or Application Design

Develop a high-level use case to represent the application as a whole.

Develop a functional decomposition diagram to show all of the functions that the system or application will support.

Develop an E-R diagram, class diagram, or a data flow diagram that effectively represents the data that are required for your application or system.

Develop a sequence diagram to represent the timing of various activities within the application or system.

Develop a mock-up or storyboard for the high-level interface screens.

Reference no: EM13779717

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