Develop an argument explaining what needs to be done

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133419498

Question: The articles we will discuss throughout the unit will invite you to look into various social, ethical, and political issues in order to take a stand after reading about them. All of these readings deal with different things, but overall they each point to important conversations about what we, as individuals, should be doing in response to issues that concern us.

Select one of the issues around the world such as Rape, Homelessness, Sexual Assault, and Human trafficking

10-12 pages (about 3000 words), double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.

1. Of the issues we discussed in class (Rape, Homelessness, Sexual Assault, and Human trafficking), choose an issue that matters to you and research it, using evidence to explain the situation and convince your readers that it's a problem we should care about.

2. Using your research, develop an argument explaining what needs to be done to address the problem your essay discusses. This section should focus on "big picture" fixes like changing laws, raising awareness, or shifting the way we see an issue.

3. Finally, discuss how individuals can go about making that change happen. This portion of the essay should focus on how individuals can support the big-picture changes you discussed previously. For example, if we're changing laws, should individuals contact their congressional representatives, petition, or start social media campaigns to raise awareness?

As I read your essays, I will consider the following questions:
• Does the essay have a clear purpose and a clear thesis statement, both of which are thoroughly developed?
• Does the essay introduce readers to the conversation about this issue by drawing on relevant sources and use them to provide various kinds of information about the topic (ie: context, definition, naysayer, support, implications, etc)?
• Do the paragraphs develop well-defined claims with specific examples from the text and detailed explanations?
• Are the paragraphs linked together in a well-developed and coherent way that
supports the overall purpose of the essay?
• Do the sentences of the essay express the writer's ideas clearly and effectively?
• Are textual examples used effectively to discuss complex ideas? Are these cited in MLA?
Basic Requirements:
•10-12 pages (about 3000 words), double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.
• At least 4 sources: at least two should be academic sources (ie: peer reviewed, found in the library databases), one of which must be one of the sources we read as a class. The remaining two sources can come from .gov websites or national or international newspapers (ie: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, CNN, BBC etc). You cannot count dictionaries or encyclopedias as any of the four sources (you can certainly use these in your paper if you need to, but they will be in addition to the four sources required above).

Reference no: EM133419498

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