Develop an advertising campaign for a client

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133389331 , Length: Words Count:500


Develop an advertising campaign for a client which is a regional snack-food manufacturer whose brand has a low share of the Market. Please clarify your target market, objectives, budgets, media planning, and communication contents. (Max 400 to 500 words)

Reference no: EM133389331

Questions Cloud

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Review a current product or service in the market : Review a current product or service in the market and describe its target market. Generate a persona for this company's primary target market.
Develop an advertising campaign for a client : Develop an advertising campaign for a client which is a regional snack-food manufacturer whose brand has a low share of the Market.
Read the article-say goodbye to the annual pay raise : Read the article: "Positives and Negatives of Informal Assessments." Read the article: "If the Annual Performance Review is on Its Way Out, What Can Replace It?
Define soulcycles approach to customer service : Define SoulCycle's approach to Customer Service and does it work well with their customer base?
Do you think about raising money from venture capital firms : What do you think about raising money from venture capital firms? How do you decide whether you should do so?
What individual need to have to be a successful entrepreneur : What traits does an individual need to have to be a successful entrepreneur and why? Which current or past business leader(s) exhibits those qualities?


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