Develop an ad campaign for a company

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Reference no: EM132468423

Advertising Plan

Pick ONE of the following options:

  • Develop an ad campaign for a company/product/service related to your employment (note that if your employment is B2B in nature, most B2B doesn't involve much advertising. They tend to use other promotional elements. So keep that in mind), OR
  • Develop an ad campaign for your very own (hypothetical!) beauty salon OR auto parts store that's been in business for just over one year

To try to develop demand for your company/product/service -- OR to resuscitate your ailing store -- you've decided to conduct an ad campaign. Following the steps outlined in the Lecture from Chapter 18, provide a detailed description of your campaign. Be sure to mention each of the areas listed below. Also be sure that you are focusing on strategies for this specific ad campaign -- not simply your advertising or marketing in general. Do not use any current advertising campaign! NOTE: If you select your current employer who uses a differentiated strategy, select only one specific target market for this campaign.

Step 0 -- who are you?

Please start by giving a brief explanation of the product/service/store you are advertising.

Step 1 -- target market of this specific ad campaign

Provide a geographic, demographic, and psychographic description of your target. I am looking for an insightful description of your target.

Step 2a -- objective of this specific ad campaign

Be sure you identify what you want this ad campaign to accomplish. Which of the types of advertising (informative, persuasive or reminder) will you be using and why?

Step 2b -- focus of campaign

What will be the focus of your ads - product-focused or institutional? Why? (NOTE: In addition to your text, see the lecture for clarification of these terms).

Step 3 - determine your budget

Think about the size of your business, overall sales and success. You don't need a specific budget number but discuss how these areas will affect how much you are able to spend and whether that potentially eliminates some types of media.

Step 4a - convey the message (Be creative!)

Develop a unique selling proposition (USP) for the campaign. Make sure to provide an explanation of your rationale for the USP.

Step 4b -- appeal

Will you use an informational or emotional appeal? Why?

Step 5a & b - media types and vehicles.

Describe which media types you will use and why. List the specific media vehicles for each type. A media vehicle is the specific communication tool. For instance if magazine is the media type, then Sports Illustrated or Cosmopolitan is the media vehicle; if TV is the media type then Food Network or "Bones" is the vehicle (it can be a cable network or a network program).

Step 5c - media schedule

How will you schedule your media? (continuous, pulsing, flighting)? Explain how your budget will help you make this decision.

Step 6 -- IMC - integrating your ad with the rest of the promotional tools

Identify and discuss other, non-advertising promotions you will use to coordinate with this ad campaign. Are there personal selling, sales promotions/incentives, public relations and/or social media efforts you'd like to include? (Keep being creative!) Really explore social media strategies using the information from Chapter 3.

NOTE: In your book, step 6 is creating the ad but we are substituting IMC in this activity.

Step 7 - Evaluating your campaign

This is maybe one of the most important steps. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign? How will you know if it "worked?" How will you know if you should repeat the campaign, or completely revamp it? You can use some of the methods talked about in the lecture or your book.

Reference no: EM132468423

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