Develop an activity that promotes the labeling of emotions

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133552980


To develop an activity that promotes the labeling of emotions and to evaluate your activity.

Scenario: You and your fellow teachers have noticed an increase in tantrums among the toddlers at your early child care learning center. Although this behavior is developmentally appropriate in this age group, you suspect that the increase in tantrums is due to the children feeling overwhelmed when attempting to express their feelings. You decide to take the lead and develop some activities to teach young children to label their emotions and develop the appropriate skills in emotional expression. You begin by choosing two books that will help introduce the children to discussing and labeling emotions. Focus Assignment: Identify the title and author of two books that introduce identifying, labeling, and expressing emotions. Make sure that both books are developmentally appropriate for toddlers.

Reference no: EM133552980

Questions Cloud

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