Reference no: EM133749276
Step 1: Identify Two Academic Needs and Provide Rationale
Analyze the data in Exhibits 4, 5, 9, and 10 and identify two academic needs at Greenwood Middle School. Provide your rationale and related data to substantiate your decision making.
Step 2: Articulate Two Academic Goals
Make sure these goals address Greenwood Middle School's most pressing needs, as revealed in the Greenwood Middle School data provided
Step 3: Develop Action Steps and Identify Marzano School-Level Factors and Action Steps That Impact Student Outcomes
Develop 3-5 action steps you will take to reach each goal. Include the timeline for implementation. Then identify at least one Marzano school-level factor and its corresponding action step(s) that validate your goal and actions. This exercise ensures your goal and actions are supported by research on how to positively impact student outcomes.
Step 4: Explain Your Use of Data
Identify how you will use data to monitor the progress of your goal.
What data will you use to measure the successful implementation of each goal (e.g., formative and/or summative assessments)?
When will the data be collected?
How often will the data be collaboratively analyzed to monitor progress, including value-added analysis?
Who will analyze the data
Step 5: Summarize Challenges and Possible SolutionsConsider the potential barriers or challenges you, as principal of Greenwood Middle School, might face in implementing your two targeted goals.
State three possible challenges
Describe at least one action that you could take to overcome each challenge
Your next step is to prepare a report to the faculty. The goal of the report is to articulate the collaboratively developed goals and actions and to promote shared ownership for implementation of Greenwood's school improvement efforts. In that light, you also make plans to communicate the results of the strategic planning to school families and community members.
For your Response to this Case Study, submit the following as one Word document:
A completed Case Study D Goal Chart (located in this module's Resources area) for each of your two academic goals with:
an identified academic need at Greenwood Middle School and rationale to substantiate your decision making (Step 1 above);
stated academic goal (Step 2 above);
related action steps (Step 3 above);
aligned Marzano school-level factors and action steps (Step 3 above); and
an explanation of your use of data to monitor the progress of your goal (Step 4 above)
In addition
Review the Greenwood Middle School Mission and Vision Statements located in this module's Resources area and then identify the aspect(s) of these statements to which your goals/actions align.
Address three challenges and actions to overcome each stated challenge from Step 5.
Explain at least three methods that you, as principal of Greenwood Middle School, could use to communicate the two academic goals and actions to school families and the community. Include how you might provide the means for families and community members to contribute feedback to the school about the school improvement goals. Include in your explanation how data, including value-added analysis results, might be incorporated into your communication plans.
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