Develop Acceptance Criterion for each User Story

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Reference no: EM133142865

BUS5AP - Business Application of Analytics Assignment - 'Kanban This' - Personas, User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

'Kanban This' - Personas, User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

FOCUS has accepted your business case and has asked you to commence the user-centric design and analysis starting with the creation of personas and user stories, drawing on the needs for an analytics platform. To ensure that you demonstrate a sound understanding of the user stories you must also build out acceptance criteria. You have to present the outcomes of this stage to the management team at FOCUS using a Kanban board, where you may leverage Trello as the tool of choice.


1. Executive Director

2. CEO

3. Retail Store Manager

4. Online Retail Operations Manager

5. Online Retail Finance Manager

6. Social Media Influencer - Facebook

7. Social Media Influencer - Instagram and TikTok

8. Retail Store Worker

9. External Advertising Agency

10. Customer

The tasks include, but are not limited to,

Create 1 Persona and 2 User Stories for each stakeholder (i.e. 10 Personas and 20 User Stories). The "Organisation Profile" document contains the profiles of four stakeholders, you may use this as a guideline, in combination with external sources and common knowledge, to develop an understanding of all ten stakeholders

Develop 1 Acceptance Criterion for each User Story

Create a free account on Trello

Use Trello to build out a Kanban board that materialises this exercise of creating Personas, User Stories and Acceptance Criterion, use one card per user story

Rationalise the configuration/naming of columns on the board, as well as the categorisation of the cards on the board

Using the Trello board (and MS PowerPoint if desired), you must present the findings and output of this phase to the FOCUS management team. This takes the form of a 10-15 minute video recording of the following. Briefly introduce Kanban and Trello, followed by how the board is organised for this business case, and then the actual content, stakeholders, personas, user stories and their importance in relation to the analytics solution, and the acceptance criterion. Conclude with a summary of work completed thus far and next steps of the project.

Attachment:- Assignment - Business Application of Analytics.rar

Reference no: EM133142865

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Develop Acceptance Criterion for each User Story : BUS5AP - Business Application of Analytics Assignment - 'Kanban This' - Personas, User Stories and Acceptance Criteria - Develop 1 Acceptance Criterion
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