Develop a work breakdown structure for the project

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133464487


Complete the following tasks for the assignment.

1. Develop a project scope statement for the project. Be as specific as possible describing product characteristics and requirements, as well as all of the project's deliverables.

2. Identify and create a requirements list for the project. Use a requirements template and do not list more then 15 requirements.

3. Develop a work breakdown structure for the project using MS Project. Break down the work to Level 3, as appropriate. Save the WBS in list form. Each Level should not be greater than 5 tasks/deliverables. Identify each workstream, tasks with duration, dependency and resource assigned.

4. Create network diagram of project identifying the critical path. Ensure you identify the critical path duration both in calculation and in illustration, as discussed in class. Ensure you label the tasks, durations etc.

Reference no: EM133464487

Questions Cloud

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What are the time estimation techniques : What are the time estimation techniques? How are they different from cost estimation techniques?
Define cross-functional requirements : A project manager is implementing the requirements management plan for a software upgrade project that will incorporate some agile elements.
Develop a work breakdown structure for the project : Develop a work breakdown structure for the project using MS Project. Break down the work to Level 3, as appropriate. Save the WBS in list form.
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Evaluating organization development interventions : Illustrate the research design and measurement issues associated with evaluating organization development (OD) interventions.


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