Develop a work breakdown structure

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133366101

Systems Analysis for IT Professionals

• Address applied business problems and produce viable solutions using the techniques, methodologies and theories introduced in the course, and industry standards.
• Critique the phases in the design, development, testing and maintenance of a business system and describe the purpose of each phase.
• Justify the importance of usability, user centred design and human computer interaction in design of interfaces.

‘Beat Music System' - Preliminary Investigation

After analysing the issues, you believe that Scott's business would gain the most benefit from automating the current manual system. Hence you decided to implement the new automated system in three phases as follow:
• Phase 1 (Report 1) includes analysing the issues and designing the online application. (Phase 1 details should be covered in report 1).
Report Structure: Your Report 1 must be structured as follows:

• Title page
• Table of Contents
• Abstract (Summary or Executive Summary) 350-450 words (Key points in the report)
• Introduction (See below on DELIVERABLES for more details)
• Body (Task 2 -7)
• Conclusion


In this report 1, you are going to analyse the details provided by Scott for 24/7 "Beat Music System" (attached separately to this email) as a consultant/system analyst and develop a novel design for the updated system using tools and techniques that you have learnt in this course. You should follow the report structure as per the instructions on the given with body containing the below deliverables.

1. Organisation Background (Introduction)
** Help (E.g).: Include things such as / What is the name of the organization?, Which industry its operates?, What are the products or services of that firm, who are the clients of the firm, who are the major competitors, who is the owner of the firm, who else are there, who are the other key persons in the organization, what are the key issues or challenges faced by the organization.
2. Work breakdown Structure
3. Task-Sequencing - Gantt/PERT Chart
4. Fact-Finding Plan 5. TO-BE Diagrams
5. Feasibility Study
6. Summarize the investigation
7. References & Presentation structure

Detailed Deliverables of Report 1:

1. Organisation Background
Briefly introduce the organisation. in terms of name, the industry it operates within, products and services, clients, major competitors, products/services and processes, ownership, key personnel and key issues/challenges.

2. Work Breakdown Structure (Table form)

Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for your project with date, and summary of project activities. Use a table with columns for activity number, start date, finish date, activity name, activity description, status, or any other notes. The purpose of WBS is to identify each task that you have done to develop your project and include an estimated duration.

**Help (E.g).: Activity means: Your Task involved into the analysis. So WBS in this section includes.., what on task that you will follow in this analysis. So you need to consider yourself as a System Analysis, and the who's doing each work. You are analyzing each task and providing plan for the owner of the organization about the new system which will enhance the efficiency of the platform.

So don't consider this part as an ‘assessment, consider that you're analyzing this organization, analyzing project and how you are planning to conduct this project. Therefore you need to consider those task as sub tasks related to this particular analysis.

For instance.., So Activity number means your Task ID. And activity name means Taks Name etc.

3. Task-Sequencing - Gantt/PERT Chart

Once the work breakdown structure (WBS) has been designed, students need to present the project details that are mentioned in the WBS by using either one of the following Task- Sequencing Approach:
Gantt Chart
• PERT/CPM Chart USE Microsoft project

4. Fact-Finding Plan
Develop a fact-finding for planning and analysis in order to understand the problems of the current system and determine improvements / suggestions in organizational processes. This fact- finding plan should include interviews, documentation review, observation, questionnaires, and research. Provide a summary to explain how you want to apply a combination of these approaches to the organisation and justify why the approaches you choose are the best for the organization.

**Help (E.g).: As a system analyst, what system they are using, what exactly is the problem, is there any problem relevant, to rectify immediately? And other etc. And provide section s and how you are going to analyze, such as: you will conduct an interview with the team, or with employee's, then you will review documents like sale report financial report or manual of the current system or other (2 or 3 documents)

3rd option observation, Or you stand in a corner and analyze the business activity observe , how the receptionist working, how production team is working. Sending Questionnaires; via email or other by the employees or given via email.

As what you have understood above you have to create the TO-BE Diagrams in below

5. TO-BE Diagrams
Develop a "TO BE" process diagram by using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) or Unified Modelling Language (UML). The "TO BE" diagram should show the improvement of the process flow of the organisation. Take into account:

• Customer information (Emphasize)
• Orders made (Emphasize)
• Any other data entry/input processes you consider necessary.
• Reporting, including (Emphasize)
? Invoices
? Sales Summaries (related to services offered by the organisation)
? Any other reports you consider necessary could be valuable to the owners

6. Feasibility Study
Once the TO-BE diagram is completed, students should measure their proposal through conducting a feasibility study analysis in terms of operational feasibility, economic feasibility, technical feasibility, and schedule feasibility. Provide a summary to explain how you want to apply a combination of these approaches.

**Help (E.g).: You have to explain how you will analyze the above each section, and then how you want to apply that approach in the system.

7. Summarize the investigation Assume you have completed the analysis and design phase i.e. Phase 1. Write a summary report to Scott. This summary report at a minimum should include the objectives, background, processes undertaken, scope, key findings and recommendations.

8. Conclusion
Write your conclusion here.

8. Applied Skills
Use Microsoft Project or Microsoft Visio or any other software solution to meet the requirements of this report.

9. Referencing

Please follow Harvard Referencing System:
Academic writing and copyright law require that you acknowledge the source when using the ideas of others. In this course, we use the Harvard AGPS Style that requires a list of references (not bibliographies) and in-text citation of sources. Include page numbers in in-text citations for quoted or closely paraphrased material. The case study should not be referenced but the ideas that you used from your prescribed text and readings must be cited in-text and included in the list of references. Only list those sources that you cited in your written work. Make sure that you follow the correct Harvard AGPS method of referencing.

You must use at least five (5) academically sound sources other than the textbook in completing this report

Direct quotes of more than five (5) words will not be considered a demonstration of your knowledge and will be assessed accordingly.

10. Appendices:

You can add the chat and other related graphs. Etc.

Attachment:- Case Study - Beat Music System.rar

Reference no: EM133366101

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3/20/2023 10:25:06 PM

Task for this semester and the name of the course is 'Systems Analysis for IT Professionals' under the above Master's degree. This is is your first assignment and it's a Report. The case study I quite a smaller file And have attached a separate file for you to find the case study. The word limit for this task is 2000 words, (References will not be counted)

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