Develop a windows based forms application

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132285983

Learning Outcomes

1 Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE.
2 Determine the debugging process and explain the importance of a coding standard.

Assignment Brief

The software development unit of the company you are currently working for have a position available for an application developer which you are interested in applying for. As part of the application process they want to see that you can implement algorithms using an IDE.

Your aim is to create a fully working, secure application that has been developed using an IDE and adheres to coding standards.

Practical development requirements:

The program must have a realistic application - and this must be discussed with the lecturer before you start to develop the project

The program that you develop must incorporate the following programming conventions to show competence in the use of an IDE and relevant coding standards:

1. You must develop a Windows based forms application in C# that uses multiple forms to achieve the application requirements
2. You have the option to develop Procedural, Object-Oriented or Event Driven code (or a mixture where needed)
3. You make use of data structures (arrays, user defined data types) for internal program data storage
4. You create algorithms in conjunction with the functionality of the IDE to to achieve the application requirements
5. The program must utilize an external data store(s). This could be in the form of an external database or external text files. This is to allow the status of data to be stored and recalled after the program has been restarted

Documentation requirements:

The document portfolio should include:

1. Evidence of how the IDE was used to manage the development of your code.
2. An evaluation of developing applications using an IDE versus developing an application without using an IDE.
3. An evaluation of the debugging process in the IDE used and how it helped with development.
4. An evaluation of coding standards and the benefits to organisations of using them.

Demonstration requirements

The working application produced must also be demonstrated. The demonstration must be in the form of a screencast that demonstrates the correct function of the developed program. As opposed to a very long video based presentation of the function of the minutiae of every function of your program - you need to make sure that your screencast (and associated voiceover) demonstrate the achievement of each of the practical requirements highlighted in parts 1 - 5 in the above discussion of "Practical development requirements"

Verified Expert

The solution has five stages which are explained about the development of an application. The Stage 1 is Development Document , Stage 2 Report on IDE Evaluation, Stage 3 Report on Debugging Evaluation, Stage 4 Report on Evaluation which includes commented source code and finally installed and executable version of application. The solution has screenshots with demonstration of the correct functionality of the developed program.

Reference no: EM132285983

Questions Cloud

Firm multifactor productivity before and after the changes : Energy costs were unchanged by the modifications, at $400 per day. What is the firm's multifactor productivity before and after the changes?
What do you think is the significance of the giant statue : What is the significance of the Egyptian pyramids in relation to pharaohs and Egyptian religion? Provide at least 2 specific examples.
Promoting change in healthcare organization : Discuss the use of force field analysis in promoting change in a healthcare organization?
What are the limits of production line approach to service : What are the limits of production line approach to service ? Give an example of a service in which isolation of the technical core would be inappropriate.
Develop a windows based forms application : Develop a Windows based forms application in C# that uses multiple forms to achieve the application requirements - develop Procedural, Object-Oriented or Event
Our initial gut and very personal reaction : This means that after we have our initial gut and very personal reaction, And how those words are being used and defined and how they create divisiveness.
Write a summary of significant quality methodologies : Provide a summary of each of the significant quality methodologies reviewed in the Module 6 lecture. Select the one you feel is most effective and determine.
Emphasis on learning about highly applicable concepts : As you are aware, we have been placing a great emphasis on learning about highly applicable concepts so that we could employ them within our workplace.
Describe what tools were used for writing : Clay was used as a substrate in Mesopotamia, while papyrus was used in Egypt. Discuss the origin of each as a writing substrate, explain how each was prepared.



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Submission Format The submission is in the form of six documents/files: 1. Stage 1 – Development Document 2. Stage 2 – Report (IDE Evaluation) 3. Stage 3 – Report (Debugging Evaluation) 4. Stage 4 – Report (Evaluation Report) including fully commented source code 5. An installable and executable version of your application 6. A screencast demonstrating the correct functionality of the developed program You are required to make use of appropriate structure, including headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

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