Develop a website for bruno pizzeria

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131658860

Purpose of the assignment: It is an individual assignment that provides an opportunity to practice again techniques and skills involved in designing webpages using HTML5 and CSS. JavaScript will be used to validate user input data before they are submitted to the server for processing. Moreover, JavaScript will be used to add more interactivity to the webpages.

Requirements and Specifications

The assignment requires that you develop a website for Bruno Pizzeria, a pizza store. The director of Bruno Pizzeria, Mr. Bruno, is interested in developing a website that allows users to register and place orders for pizzas online.

Task 1: Website Design

After several meetings with the Mr. Bruno, it is agreed that 3 webpages will be developed, the home page, the registration page and the order page.


Folder Structure
The directory structure shown in Figure 1 is to be created.

Figure 1: Directory structure

Additional files may be added depending on your own design.

Website Structure
Choose your own webpage structure. A fully functional navigator must be provided on each webpage. Users should be able to access all 3 webpages using the navigator.

Webpage Layout
You need to design an appropriate webpage layout for Bruno Pizzeria. Following structural elements must be used:
- <header>
- <nav>
- <main>
- <footer>
- <aside>
- <article>
- <section>
You are free to use other structural elements, e.g., <div>.

Task 2: Website Development

HTML 5 Webpages
The three webpages must be developed using HTML5. All pages must not contain any deprecated elements/attributes. The content requirements for each webpage are as follows:

- Page index.html is the homepage of the website. It should provide introductory information about Bruno Pizzeria, its history, menu, location, available types of pizzas, etc. Feel free to refer to real-world pizza store websites for example. Information about at least three types of pizzas must be provided, with at least three original or explicitly referenced images.

- Page registration.html is for users to register. A form must be provided, which contains different input elements that allow users to enter registration information, e.g., username, password, gender, email, favourite pizzas, etc. The following input elements must be used:
o label
o textbox
o password
o radio button
o checkbox
o select list
o submit button
o reset button
- Page order.html is for users to place orders. A form must be provided to allow users to enter the following data to place an order:
o Delivery or pickup
o Delivery address (only if delivery is selected)
o Billing address
o Contact number
o Email for receipt
o Pay on pickup or online
o Credit card information (only if pay online is selected)

Choose the right types of input elements for different required information in the forms, e.g., a textbox for username and a group of checkboxes for favourite pizzas.

All webpages must be fully validated.

: CSS Files
At least one CSS file is to be created to style all three HTML pages. Use any CSS properties you deem necessary and appropriate for the presentation. The follow CSS properties must be used:
- color
- font-family
- background-color
- background-image
- border
- text-shadow
- box-shadow
- margin
- padding
- float
The following types of CSS selectors must be used:
- element
- class, e.g.,
e.g., h1 {}, p {}
.image {}, .highlighted
- id
#tbName {}
- grouping e.g., h1, h2, h3 {}
- contextual e.g., ul li {}
- pseudo-classes e.g., :hover {}

Other CSS properties can be used. You are encouraged to be creative in your design. You will be marked not only on the use of the abovementioned CSS properties and CSS selectors, but also on how professional, beautiful and creative your webpages look.

Make sure the styles of all three webpages are consistent.

You CSS file(s) must be fully validated.

: JavaScript File
A JavaScript file must be created for the registration and the order pages to validate the input data before forms are submitted to the server for processing. The JavaScript must
- check that none of the required input fields are blank.
- check that the password is at least 8-character long;
- check that the postcode is 4-digit.
- show an alert or inline error messages to display all the errors in the input fields;
- allow the form to be submitted only if all the input data are valid.

Task 3: Website Enhancement

Implement the following 3 features using appropriate HTML, CSS and JavaScript:

- Highlight the menu item in the navigator corresponding to the current webpage.

- In page order.html, create a checkbox with label "same as delivery address" somewhere appropriate near the fields for billing address. When this checkbox is checked, the fields for billing address will be filled with the delivery address automatically. If the delivery address is not completed when this checkbox is checked, display an alert or inline message: "Please enter your delivery address first".

- Allow users to choose from three types of credit card: Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Based on the type of credit card, limit the length of the credit card number, 16 digits for Visa and MasterCard, 15 digits for American Express.

Features Page
Create a fourth page named features.html and incorporate it into the navigator. On this webpage, list the features that you have implemented and provides hyperlinks to indicate where those features are implemented.

Verified Expert

1. This assignment was for web design. How to use hierarchical naming conversion while using HTML, CSS, js, and images for web design. 2. This assignment was more to focus on validation of javascript to check following points: a) required validation. b) use input filter validation to check wheter user has entered correct values or not? 3. And also how to apply CSS in various ways to make the page good looking theme or design wise.

Reference no: EM131658860

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1/3/2018 5:38:07 AM

Thank you very much you have sorted out. It Was very hard for me. you have done most of the work for me, so it didn't take long me to finish it. anyway, I need the references for the pictures you used. Any links or something. Otherwise, My professor will likely penalise me for not providing references. Thanks heaps.


11/30/2017 5:17:00 AM

It is my apology that I forgot to mention the word "Responsive". Also, Its not mentioned anywhere in the assignment. But that is minimum requirement. You can penalise me for not telling the stuff properly. But then, I have to do it. Believe me, I will take lot longer than you professionals. Also, I might be stuff it up by changing the code inappropriately. I would be very thankful if finish it of and get it out of the way. Apart from that the website is excellent. Looking forward for reply. I also need change in "Order Form" as discussed with customer service representative. If you click to choose "Pick up", you don't need address fields, checkbox should even be disabled. The checkbox and other address fields should only be enabled if "Delivery" option is chosen. Thanks heaps. Also, Please provide references to those images you have used.


11/15/2017 5:05:27 AM

It is my apology that I forgot to mention the word "Responsive". Also, Its not mentioned anywhere in the assignment. But that is minimum requirement. You can penalise me for not telling the stuff properly. But then, I have to do it. Believe me, I will take lot longer than you professionals. Also, I might be stuff it up by changing the code inappropriately. I would be very thankful if finish it of and get it out of the way. Apart from that the website is excellent. Looking forward for reply. 1.Website needs to responsive 2. Tell him that in the "Order Form", if you choose to "Pick up", two fields, Address and Postcode should not be accessible. From now no, I will mention every little thing in coming assignments. I also need change in "Order Form" as discussed with customer service representative. If you click to choose "Pick up", you don't need address fields, checkbox should even be disabled. The checkbox and other address fields should only be enabled if "Delivery" option is chosen. Thanks heaps. Also, Please provide references to those images you have used. I need the references for the pictures you used. Any links or something


9/26/2017 5:36:10 AM

Automatic Input of Billing Address 10 • Feature properly implemented (10) • Feature not properly implemented Adaptive Credit Card Length 5 • Feature properly implemented (5) • Feature not properly implemented 100


9/26/2017 5:36:01 AM

JavaScript 40 • No errors in code. (10) • Fields validated as required. (20) • Form submitted only when entered data are valid. (2) • All error messages displayed in an alert or as inline messages. (4) • Code properly indented and organised. (2) • Code properly commented. (2) • Fields not validated as required. • Form submitted with invalid input data. • Error messages not displayed as required. • No comments or inadequate comments. • Used inline or embedded script Highlighted Menu Item 5 • Feature properly implemented (5) • Feature not properly implemented


9/26/2017 5:35:52 AM

CSS 20 • All required CSS properties used. (3) • All required CSS selectors used. (3) • Appropriate and fluid page layout. (2) • CSS files fully validated against CSS3 (2) • CSS code properly indented and organised (2) • CSS code properly commented (2) • Consistent styles for all web pages (2) • Professional, beautiful and creative webpage style (4) • CSS files not fully validated against CSS3 • CSS files not properly applied to web pages • Inappropriate web page layout • Inappropriate contrast between foreground and background text colour • No comments or inadequate comments • Lack of required CSS selectors • Lack of required CSS properties • Inconsistent styles for different web pages • Webpage style too simple


9/26/2017 5:35:43 AM

Marking Scheme The assignment will be marked out of 100. Mark Requirements Deductions HTML Pages 20 • Used all required HTML elements (4) • At least 3 HTML webpages (5) • Webpages fully validated against HTML5 (5) • Source code properly indented and organised (2) • Source code properly commented (2) • At least 3 pizza images (2) • Web pages not fully validated against HTML5 • Web pages not displayed properly • Not enough web pages • Lack of required HTML elements • Lack of required contents • Deprecated HTML elements/attributes used • Embedded or inline CSS • Links on web pages not working • Lack of required images • Images too large or too small


9/26/2017 5:35:34 AM

The assignment should be submitted as an individual work through ESP (Electronic Submission Processor) on or before the deadline. • Compress all your HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files into a zip file named “” to submit via ESP. • You can submit the zip file for up to 5 times through ESP and the latest submission will overwrite the previous ones. • Make sure you keep a copy of the assignment cover sheet.


9/26/2017 5:35:11 AM

Please give me quote for this.Before submitting the assignment, please ensure that you have completed or considered the following: • Check your assignment against the attached marking scheme. • Check Blackboard for announcements related to the assignment; • Ensure that all HTML and CSS files can be fully validated; • The assignment is your original work. If your assignment is not your original work, your result will be 0 marks for this assignment; • Provide references for all third-party contents used on your webpages; • Test your web pages on the Mercury server. If your assignment cannot be displayed on Mercury properly, penalties will apply; and • Make sure you contact your convenor before the due date, if you are having trouble in submitting the assignment on time.

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