Develop a training plan for the client

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131010834

Your task is to develop a training plan for the client. In your plan, consider the following:

• Needs assessment
• Environmental analysis
• Organizational analysis
• Demographical analysis
• Operational analysis
• Individual analysis
• Training methods
• Types of media
• Learning principles
• Training for learning skills or facts
• Effectiveness of methods
• Training evaluation strategies
• Criteria
• Pretests
• Monitoring and observing training
• Collecting feedback
• Implementing feedback

It's important that you also provide rationale for your choices.

Your training plan should be no more than 2,450 words. Keep up the hard work, team!

Reference no: EM131010834

Questions Cloud

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Develop a training plan for the client : Your task is to develop a training plan for the client. In your plan, consider the following: Needs assessment,  Environmental analysis, Organizational analysis and Demographical analysis and Operational analysis
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