Develop a thorough understanding of the corporate culture

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Reference no: EM131150415


Evaluate the following statement as a program objective for a diversity training program. Individually or in small groups, rewrite this objective to conform more closely to the principles cited earlier concerning effective program objectives.

Develop a thorough understanding of the corporate culture of our organiza- tion, including our policies on harassment, ethnic and gender diversity, and equal access to individual counseling and promotion opportunities.74


Individually or in small groups, write your own program objective(s) for a train- ing program of your choice. Critique your objectives by comparing them to the principles described in Tables 5-1 and 5-2.


Three Qualities of
Useful Objectives


Performance An objective always says what a learner is expected to be able

to do and/or produce to be considered competent; the objec­tive sometimes describes the product or result of the doing. Example: "Write a product profile for a proposed new product."

Conditions    An objective describes the important conditions (if any) under

which the performance is to occur. Example: "Given all avail­able engineering data regarding a proposed product, trainee will write a product profile."

Criteria                 Wherever possible, an objective identifies the criteria of

acceptable performance by describing how well the learner must perform in order to be considered acceptable. Example: "The product profile must describe all of the commercial char­acteristics of the product that are appropriate for its introduc­tion to the market, including descriptions of at least three major product uses."

TABLE 5-2 Guidelines for Developing Useful Objectives

1. An objective is a collection of words, symbols, pictures and/or diagrams describing what you intend for trainees to achieve.

2.  An objective will communicate your intent to the degree that you describe: what the learner will be doing when demonstrating achievement or mas­tery of the objective, the important conditions of the doing, and the criteria by which achievement will be judged.

3.  To prepare a useful objective, continue to modify a draft until these ques­tions are answered:

  • What do I want trainees to be able to do?
  • What are the important conditions or constraints under which I want them to perform?
  • How well must trainees perform for me to be satisfied?

4.  Write a separate statement for each important outcome or intent; write as many as you need to communicate your intents.

5.  If you give your written objectives to your trainees, you may not have to do much else. Why? Because often employees are already able to do what you are asking them to do and will be happy to demonstrate their ability, now that they know what is expected of them.

Reference no: EM131150415

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