Develop a table of the factory status

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131467782

Question: Develop a table of the factory status at the beginning of each one-hour time interval for the following serial system under the condition that the system maintains a total work-in-process of 5 jobs. Develop this table for the system status for 15 hours of operation. The workstation processing times (in hours) are listed in the squares representing the workstations.

The initial (time 0) starting work-in-process distribution is (5,0,0). That is, 5 jobs in the first workstation and none elsewhere and assume that the first job begins processing at time 0. Compute the cycle times (time in the system) for the first 4 completed jobs assuming that all 5 initial jobs entered the system at time 0.


Reference no: EM131467782

Questions Cloud

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Develop a table of the factory status : Develop a table of the factory status at the beginning of each one-hour time interval for the following serial system under the condition that the system.
Why cycle times for first completed jobs are not valid : Reconsider Problem starting with the initial conditions: work-in-process is (2,3,0). Assume further that the first job in line at workstations one and two.
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Knowledge of the scientific process : Using your knowledge of the scientific process and the information from this chapter


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