Reference no: EM133426584 , Length: word count:3000
Contemporary issues and inter professional practice
Assignment task
A critical reflection on your scenario developed from your practice experience. Your scenario will focus on working with another practitioner from a different occupation.
Identifying an individual in the student's care (patient/client/service-user/learner/research participant)
Identifying an individual in a peer relationship or senior relationship (e.g. mentor, colleague).
Identifying a local area within the institution (e.g. Unit/ward/team)
Identifying an institution (e.g. trust, school, local authority)
Learning outcome 1: Critically evaluate systems, models and principles for working collaboratively and effectively with other professions and agencies
Learning outcome 2: Develop a critical understanding of the skills, knowledge, values and attributes necessary for inter-professional practice, for self and others
Learning outcome 3: Develop a systematic understanding and critical awareness of the legal and policy framework and contemporary literature pertaining to IPP
Learning outcome 4: Show a conceptual and reflexive understanding of the causes of failures in health and social care, their meaning to service users, carers and professionals and what best practice is.
Task requirements: Assignment - Presentation
This is a 5 minute presentation using PowerPoint to explore your scenario you have developed from your practice experience. The scenario is to describe an event where you worked with another practitioner from another occupation. It is suggested that you use a maximum of 2 PowerPoint slides to keep within the timeframe.
Feedback from students and the module leader will focus on your scenario, not on your presentation style. Feedback will be constructive and developmental, and will enable you to form your final, summative, written assignment.
A critical reflection on your scenario developed from your practice experience. Your scenario will focus on working with another practitioner from a different occupation.
The scenario needs to focus onone piece of work that you carried out working jointly with another practitioner. The aim is to explore your relationship with that practitioner. Please write in the first person (eg, ‘I')
What happened? What was the situation? What was my role? What did I plan to achieve? What did I do? Who was present? What was their role? What did they do? How did it end?
This should reflect (using the first person ‘I') on what your scenario describes.
Useful questions to help you structure your critical reflection:
What was I thinking during the event, and after the event? What was I feeling during and after the event? What do I think about those who were present? How did others make me feel? How did the ending make me feel?
The essay needs consider the following themes and explore them only if they are relevant to your scenario (all may be relevant, or only some, depending on your experience):
- Aims of interprofessional practice (and definition)
- The importance of supporting service users/patients
- The core values of interprofessional practice
Relate clearly to your scenario
- Professional accountability duty of care
- The legislation framing practice
- Competency
- Current issues affecting the workplace
Relate clearly to your scenario
- What can go wrong (serious case reviews)
- Professional hierarchy and power
Was this evident in your scenario?
Skills used:
• Communication
• Team working
• Emotional competence and elegant challenging
• Confidence in sharing information
Relate clearly to your scenario
What you have learned about working with another practitioner, and how you can use that learning to improve your practice in future.