Develop a supplier selection and evaluation model

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13818784

Purchasing and supply chain management. In a three- to four-page paper, excluding the title and reference pages, provide a brief summary of the case and main points, and address the following prompts, using qualitative and quantitative data where necessary to provide support.

  • You are the purchasing agent for CSU. Your manager has asked you to design evaluation criteria for purchase of the new lighting system. Develop a supplier selection and evaluation model for this purchasing decision. Justify the reasoning for your response.
  • Part of your role in selecting the lighting system will be to satisfy the needs of the university purchasing team and the end users. Develop a university purchasing team/ end users' needs matrix to help with this purchasing decision. Explain the needs for each user and how you determined the needs, in addition to providing examples.

Reference no: EM13818784

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