Develop a strategy for changing your personal brand

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Reference no: EM133529134

Part A - Appraise Your Current Personal Brand

1) Ask 3 people you know what you are good at or what makes you unique. What did they say? What did you learn from their responses?

2) Values + actions that align with those values = credibility

3) Describe what you think your current personal brand is. What do you like and dislike about your current personal brand?

Part B - Develop your Desired Personal Brand

1) How do you want to be remembered? How would you like people to describe you? This is your desired personal brand.

2) On a scale of 1-10, rate how similar your current personal brand is to your desired personal brand (1 - exactly the same, 10 - completely opposite). Explain your rating.

3) Develop a strategy for changing your personal brand or maintaining your personal brand. Discuss a minimum of 5 actions you will take to reach or maintain your desired personal brand.

Part C - Market and Position your Personal Brand

1) Building a robust network of people is important for marketing your personal brand. There are three main types of people to establish networking relationships with:
1) decision makers; 2) information sources, and 3) supporters.
For each of these three groups, list 1 specific person you want to establish and/or build relationships with.

2) Your personal brand should be consistent in-person and online. Describe your current online presence.
Search your name and see what comes up. Are you happy with what you find, and does it align with your desired personal brand?

Which social media platforms do you have a profile on? Are these profiles active and do they align with your desired personal brand?

3) List a minimum of 3 actions you will take this semester to ensure your online presence will contribute to building your desired personal brand.

Reference no: EM133529134

Questions Cloud

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You apply knowledge to your personal and professional life : Share two things you learned that surprised you or made an impact on you. How will you apply this knowledge to your personal and professional life?



9/25/2023 2:30:33 AM

For the part B . I will do video by myself , so just simply write everything whatever is asked in that part , And plz specifically make according to grading rubric .. This is the sample for the same you can have a look , and for the CV resume just write any experience and qualifications for accounting/ finance related fields .

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