Reference no: EM131792619
Prepare assignment with Confidentiality Agreement Form and MS Project File (.MPP)
Company - Haya water company in Oman
Assignment Structure
Learning Outcomes
This assessment is designed to demonstrate the achievement of the intended module learning objectives.
On completion of the assessment, students are able to:
1. Assess the business case for a project and recommend a strategy for reduction of uncertainties and the management of associated risk
2. Recommend a suitable structure and process for monitoring and control of a project
3. Select and apply appropriate tools and techniques for the planning and management of a project
4. Formulate a strategy for the implementation of change.
5. Select and apply an appropriate contract and pricing strategy
You are required to develop a strategic project plan in the form of a document not more than 4000 words, excluding appendices and references. There is considerable freedom of choice for a suitable project scenario. But, whatever scenario you choose, assessment is against specific criteria that originate in the module learning outcomes.
The module learning outcomes (1-5) are mapped to the following assessment criteria
1. Assess the business case for a project and recommend a strategy for reduction of uncertainties and the management of associated risk Assess the business case for a project and recommend a strategy for reduction of uncertainties and the management of associated risk
2. Recommend a suitable structure and process for monitoring and control of a project
3. Select and apply appropriate tools and techniques for the planning and management of a project
4. Formulate a strategy for the implementation of change.
5. Select and apply an appropriate contract and pricing strategy
You have to choose between:
- A suitable project area with which you are familiar, e.g. your workplace, or
- A well-publicized disaster, requiring a significant and sustained response, or
- A significant civil or construction, manufacturing or management (could also be an information systems) project (but not a scientific research project)
- If you still have issues you can email me or come and discuss
With your chosen scenario:
- Briefly describe the initial structure - set baseline of the project
- Create a strategic project plan with :
- A strategic project analysis exercise
- A change strategy with enough detail for:
- A business case
- Project planning and management tools
- Monitoring and control structure
- A risk reduction strategy using an appropriate approach to risk identification.
The options above give scope for a great variety of responses. Given that, it would be extremely odd if two people happened to produce similar reports and any such similarities would be fairly easy to detect. Appropriate penalty would be applied under such circumstances as per MEC PG regulations.
Documentation Requirements
- Adopt academic conventions appropriate to a higher degree
- Avoid ‘cut & paste' model solutions
- Use project management software (MS-Project).
- You will be assessed on managerial and strategic insights, not detailed Techniques
- Don't breach company confidentiality
- Pay close attention to assessment weighting and allocate your effort proportionately
- Use MEC LMS Moodle for peer and tutor support
- Try to submit coursework as a single piece, preferably in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format
You will have demonstrated ability to:
1 Work Proposal. (Must be submitted on or before 19th Nov 2017).
2 Identify and evaluate a suitable business case for a project.
3 KPI of Project deliverables.
4 Recommend a strategy for reduction of uncertainties and the management of associated risk.
5 Identify and apply appropriate planning and management tools for the project
6 Recommend a suitable structure and process for the monitoring and control of a project
7. Formulate a strategy for the implementation of change.
The assignment evaluation sheet is attached at the end of this document for your reference.