Develop a strategic marketing plan

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Reference no: EM133088812

Develop a strategic marketing plan for a non-profit sports organization related to Sports and Recreation Management! Below is the format to be used for creating a strategic marketing plan for a start-up sports center organization!

I. Executive Summary An executive summary is an introduction to your business including a summarized version of your marketing plan. The main objective is to briefly list and describe all major components of the marketing plan. Therefore, you need to make sure that your readers are immediately getting the full picture. This section should be clear, concise and to the point. Describe the industry trend: In this section, provide more detail about the characteristics of your industry. You may also reference an expert analysis of trends in your industry and how your business is anticipating those changes.

II. Company Description Provide a high-level review of your business that will help readers and potential investors understand your business model. What is your mission statement? Your mission statement is an expression of your company's values and represents the reason why you want to start this business. What goals (short- and long-term goals) do you have for your company? List out your primary goals (short- and long-term goals) for your company, including your future plans. When planning goals, remember to be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. A poor goal is vague, "I want to increase revenue." A better goal is specific, "I want to increase revenue by 5 percent in a year."

III. Market Research/ Analysis Describe your industry: In this section, provide more detail about the characteristics of your industry. You may also reference an expert analysis of trends in your industry and how your business is anticipating those changes. Who are your target customers? In this section, describe the characteristics and habits of your customers. Describe current customers and prospects for your business and why your product or service will be valuable to them. What is their age range, income level, and other details that create a customer profile for your company? Who are your competitors? Describe the companies that will directly compete with your company in the marketplace.Include information on their size, products, sales offers, and advertising. Conduct a SWOT analysis Assess your position in the marketing place using a SWOT analysis to identify your major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. What advantages do you have over your competition? Advantages can include your location, employees, target market, or unique product or how your service is presented or delivered.Conduct your competitor SWOT analysis! Assess your major competitor's position using a SWOT analysis to identify the competitor's major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

IV. Product/Service Line Describe in detail what your product or service is and how it will meet the needs of your customers. Explain the benefits of your product or service and the advantages it has over the competition.What product or service will your business provide?Describe your product or service and make the case for why your product will be successful. How does your product or service fulfill your customer need in a unique way? What does your business sell? What are its advantages?Describe your pricing structure and strategies? Present all of the different ways that your company will offer its product or service and the price of each product or service package. Price is a critical component of your marketing mix. The price of your products or services should reflect your overall company strategy. Pricing should be competitive as well as a reflection of the quality, costs and profit margin. And it is important to have a clear understanding of what your competitors are charging. The pricing strategy needs to be in alignment with your positioning strategy. List strategies you plan to use, such as providing a discount on some items you sell in order to increase the sales in other areas.

V. Marketing & Sales Describe how your company will focus on its customers through its marketing and sales strategies. Then, show how your company will reach its customers and how it will sell its products.What is your plan to grow your company? In this section, describe your overall strategy for expanding your business and increasing sales. Growth strategies may include your plans for acquiring other businesses, increasing your number of employees or franchising your business. How will you communicate with your customers? Determine the best way to reach your target audience and explain the benefits of your product or service. Communication tactics may include websites, social media, print and online advertising, strategic partnerships and sponsorships, and printed materials such as brochures, catalogs or flyers. Successful communication strategies include a mix of promotion methods. How will you sell your product or service? Explain your strategy for selling your product or service by first defining your sales team. This may include determining how many salespeople you will use, if they are internal employees or people outside of your company and what training and compensation they will receive. Also discuss sales activities, such as identifying and prioritizing groups of people that your company has identified as customers.

Reference no: EM133088812

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