Develop a statement of the presenting problem

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM132355453

Theory Identification and Analysis

Assignment Overview

This assignment is the first in a sequence that leads to the final course project. This first component presents the task of analyzing how a theoretical framework might be applied to a case study in a professional context.

By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAS and behaviors:

C4.GP.B. Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings.
C6.GP.A, C7.GP.B, C8.GP.B, C9.GP.B. (Engage) (Assess) (Intervene) (Evaluate). Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks with clients and constituencies.

For the first component of your course project, select a case study and a theory. Your first task in this assignment is to review the three case studies from the Case Study Treatment Plan media, centered on Levi, Tommy, and Hofsa. Select one of these case studies to use for your course project. Then, choose a theoretical framework you think is appropriate to the case; you will later analyze the case using your chosen theory.

In this assignment, develop a picture of who you believe this individual to be. Consider his or her salient characteristics, traits, resources, and barriers. Together, how do all of these facets impact his or her behavior and response to the situation presented in the case study? Also analyze the selected theory within the context of this case. Important: You do not apply the theory to this case until the Unit 7 assignment.

Assignment Instructions

For this assignment, complete the following:

Organize client information to paint a picture of their present intersectionality.

Develop a statement of the presenting problem.

Identify and discuss the key components of the theory you selected to apply to your chosen case study (Levi, Tommy, or Hofsa).

Component examples include psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, person-centered, feminist and gender sensitive theories, systemic, et cetera.

Evaluate the theory you have chosen. Explain why the theory is selected to analyze your chosen case.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your selected theory, using academic resources to support your position.

Evaluate how cultural competence is applied to your selected theory.

Describe at least one implication of the theory as it relates to human behavior and development for your chosen case study of Levi, Tommy, or Hofsa.

Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Cited resources: A minimum of three scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Length of paper: A minimum of four double-spaced pages, not counting title page, abstract, or reference list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

chosen this individual: Levi's

Levi is a 35-year-old man who is HIV positive. He works as an auto mechanic. Since learning that he was HIV positive 10 years ago, Levi has been on medications that have stopped the progression to AIDS, and Levi is fairly healthy. However, the emotional toll has been much more serious. Levi has withdrawn from most social interactions. He has not told anyone in his family, and has fallen away from most of his friends. He has been able to obtain a variety of medications for anxiety, and often takes more than the prescribed dosage. In addition, he has had a cocaine habit that he views as his one area of excitement in life. His pattern of use is on weekends, or sometimes as a pick-me-up to get to work. He tends to use the anti-anxiety medications in the evening to help him relax and sleep. He sees his life slipping away in what has come to feel like an increasingly empty lifestyle. He calls a counselor to talk about his problems.

Now, give some consideration to the theory you want to apply to the Levi's case. You can choose from:

u Bowlby : Attachment
u Bandura: Social Learning
u Bronfenbrenner : Ecological Systems
u Erikson: Developmental Crises & Tasks
u Freud: Psychological Stages
u Kohlberg: Moral Development
u Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs
u Pavlov: Classical Conditioning
u Skinner: Operant Conditioning
u Piaget: Cognitive Development
u Vygotsky : Sociocultural Development

Verified Expert

The assignment is based on a case study which shows the current state of an individual suffering from HIV.However, the study is precisely focused on understanding the social aspects of the individual with the help of some theoretical concepts.The research ends with a simplified note to the possible recommendation for the subject to be able to lead a much more systematic and emotionally balanced life.

Reference no: EM132355453

Questions Cloud

Explain how neurons communicate : Explain how neurons communicate. Include a description of the action potential and how the action potential is converted into a chemical signal that is received
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The parable of the green lawn : Specifically, translate the problems described in "The Parable of the Green Lawn" here into a business language.
What is the importance of organising a command structure : What is the importance of organising a command structure for emergencies what would this include?
Develop a statement of the presenting problem : Develop a statement of the presenting problem and Identify and discuss the key components of the theory you selected to apply to your chosen case study
High rate of turnover of some of the best workers : You are the newly hired assistant to the director of human resources (HR) for a large inner-city health care organization.
Create a program that prompt the user to enter five positive : Create a program that prompt the user to enter five positive numbers and calculate the average. When a negative number is entered, program will be terminated.
Calculates the total for a purchase at a wholesale store : Create a program that calculates the total for a purchase at a wholesale store. The response paper should be in APA format.
Construct a letter addressed to my immediate supervisor : Working in a nursing home ... need help advise on how to construct a letter addressed to my immediate supervisor and provide them with relevant details



8/10/2019 12:50:10 AM

I have attached the document with the person chosen (Levi). You can choose the theory that applies to LEvi from the list I have provided. 4 double spaced pages

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