Develop a stakeholder engagement matric

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Reference no: EM133405230


One example of effective stakeholder management and control can be seen in the case of Tesla's Gigafactory in Nevada. The Gigafactory is a massive manufacturing facility that produces batteries for Tesla's electric vehicles and energy storage products. The factory was first announced in 2014 and has since become a critical component of Tesla's operations and growth strategy.

Stakeholders in the Gigafactory project included the local community, government officials, investors, and Tesla's customers and suppliers. Tesla recognized the importance of effectively managing and engaging with these stakeholders in order to achieve its project goals and build a successful factory. To achieve effective stakeholder management, Tesla took several steps to engage with and address the concerns of its stakeholders. These steps included:

Community Outreach: Tesla engaged with the local community through a variety of outreach efforts, including public meetings, open houses, and community events. The company listened to community concerns and feedback and worked to address these concerns through various means, such as installing solar panels in the local school district and contributing to local economic development initiatives.

Government Relations: Tesla worked closely with state and local government officials to secure permits and funding for the project. The company also engaged with lawmakers to advocate for policies that support renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Investor Relations: Tesla communicated with investors and shareholders about the progress of the Gigafactory project and its potential impact on the company's growth and profitability. This helped to build investor confidence and support for the project.

Supply Chain Management: Tesla worked closely with suppliers and partners to ensure the timely delivery of materials and components to the factory. The company also worked to build strong relationships with its suppliers, which helped to ensure a reliable and efficient supply chain.

By effectively managing its stakeholders, Tesla was able to build the Gigafactory on time and within budget, while also achieving its goals of increasing battery production and reducing costs. The Gigafactory has since become a critical component of Tesla's business, helping the company to maintain its position as a leader in the electric vehicle and renewable energy markets.

Overall, the case of Tesla's Gigafactory demonstrates the importance of effective stakeholder management and control in achieving project success. By engaging with and addressing the concerns of its stakeholders, Tesla was able to build a successful factory and build a strong foundation for future growth and innovation.

Q1. How are the stakeholders identified in this Essay? Are there any additional stakeholders involved that may have been missed? Mention all the stakeholders stating them as Internal or External.

Q2. Develop a Power / Interest grid showing all the stakeholders.

Q3. Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Matric and write the strategy in which you will move yourstakeholder in their desired column.

Q4. What Management and Control strategies would YOU recommend other than the ones mentioned.

Reference no: EM133405230

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