Develop a solution for bookstore inventory management system

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13881054

Inventory Management System

This system is used to manage the inventory of books in a University Bookstore. A bookstore maintains the inventory of all the books that are available for sale at the location. This list includes book details such as ISBN, Title, Author, Price, Publisher, Edition, Condition (New/Used), Quantity Available.

When a Student wants to buy a book, the bookstore employee can search the list using ISBN, or Title, or Author Name and the system displays the book information, whether it is in stock or not, price of the book, etc.

Need to support below use cases:

1. Register \ Login

2. Add new books to the stock

3. Search for a book using ISBN, or Title, or Author

4. Display stock

5. Update book information

6. Delete book information

7. Return a book to the stock

Programming Language: Java

Database: MySQL


Apply the concepts of Object Oriented Code Development that encourages code re-use by means of interfaces, abstract classes, design patterns, etc. into the development of this Inventory Management System. Most precisely, you are to perform the following:

• Develop an object oriented solution for Bookstore Inventory Management System.

• Identify the necessary objects and actions that are required to produce your solutions. Think about ways of generalizing the objects into super classes and actions into interfaces so that you can change the behavior of your program without having to rewrite much of your code.

• Generate an implementation of your solution which must be OOP-based.

• You must provide a written report describing the problem and its solution. The report must contain the following:

o Introduction outlining problem and requirements for your solution.

o Design and Analysis: Must include UML diagrams (static and dynamic) illustrating your object oriented system.

o Technical detail regarding implementation and testing.

o User manual that describes how to run your program including examples and/or screenshots.

• Conclusion to include what you have learned by doing this project.

• Any references you may have used outside of the class notes and course textbook.

• Prepare a PPT.

• You must develop a graphical user interface (GUI) using Java Swing Class. Please use any University logo and name for now. You can add
any other functionalities you may see appropriate.

Reference no: EM13881054

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