Develop a social media marketing program

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131809127

In a scope file do part B & C i.e Documentation of marketing plan and power point presentation.

Consumer Behavior

Sport Participation Project

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply concepts discussed in class, conduct your own research and develop a social media marketing program targeted at a segment of consumers that you should be able to understand.


Part A: Group proposal (Pass/Fail)

Part B: Assignment documentation

Part C: Project Presentation

Expectation of Assignment

Working as an individual or in a group composed of no more than a total of three (3) students to create a team. Using your understanding of consumer behavior from class, information from posted readings, supplemented by your own secondary and primary research you are to develop a social media(website) marketing plan that you think will increase youth participation in sport by one segment of Canadian youth aged 12-19 or in Canadian Children 7- 11 years old.

Groups will choose which category of age they wish to work on. Your assignment is to submit a 15 page paper by Week 12 describing both the fruits of your research and your plan.

Part A: Proposal

1. At the start of Week 4, all Team will submit a 7-page proposal (via FOL). The proposal will include the following:

a. Page 1- Title page

b. Page 2- List of team members, their emails and Fanshawe ID number , (only require the last 2 digits)

c. Page 3- Role of each of the team members

d. Page 4- Overview of plan(digital)

e. Page 5- Limitations

f. Page 6- Team goals, along with a working schedule for the assignment

g. Page 7- Team commitment form, along with individual signaturesMKTG-6018 Consumer Behavior

Final Project

Part B: Document

2. Length and elements:

a. Length of document: 10-12 typed pages.

b. Double spaced and typed (this does not include your title page, abstract, or references page).

c. You must include a cover sheet with the title of your paper, your name, student identification number, name of the Professor, name of the institution, and due date of the assignment.

d. After the cover page (but before the body of the paper) you must include an abstract, which is a brief, comprehensive summary of the paper, no longer than 120 words.

e. Finally, references should be listed on a separate page after the body of the paper. Margins should be no wider than 1". Please number your pages.

3. Number of references: Your paper should include a minimum of seven (7) references.

Appropriate sources include:

a. Research articles from management or Leadership journals (not popular articles such as Psychology Today and Omni).

b. Books (but not encyclopedias or textbooks). I want you to use sources that have strong management support.

c. Wikipedia cannot be used as resource.

d. You must be able to cite your source according to one of the following formats: APA. 6th edition

4. Appearance: All final papers should be stapled, proofread, and easy to read (no fading or smudging of ink).

5. Demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills by:

a. Selecting and using appropriate research evidence from readings.

b. Quote from organizational materials to contextualize challenge.

6. Final document must be submitted to drop box.

Part C: Presentation:

The project will require a 15 minutes presentation for the final project. Students can use any method to record their presentation.

Final Project

Written Report Format: Double -spaced, one inch margins, no length limit. Whenever you cite any data/information, please list the source as citation.

Final Project

Relationship to Vocational Learning Outcomes

Sevelop a promotion mix for marketing a product or service based on an identified target market.

Develop pricing strategies which take into account perceived value, competitive pressures, and corporate objectives.

Determine strategies for developing new products and services that are consistent with evolving market needs.

Communicate marketing information persuasively and accurately in oral, written and graphic formats.

Evaluate the viability of marketing a product or service in an international market or markets.

Develop personal professional development strategies and plans to enhance leadership, management skills, and marketing expertise.

Develop strategies to establish working relationships with clients, customers, and consumers which maintain and strengthen their loyalty to his/her organization.

Apply the principles of business ethics and corporate social responsibility.

Reference no: EM131809127

Questions Cloud

Graph the pw for interest rates : Is there a meaningful IRR? Is the third dragline economically attractive if i is 20%? Graph the PW for interest rates of 0% to 100%?
Define interaction between fuel type and hybrid type : An environmentalist wants to examine whether average fuel consumption (measured in miles per gallon) is affected by fuel type (factor A) and type of hybrid.
What are the key features of the structural frame : MGT230 - Leadership and Organization - Why is the framing perspective important? How does it help managers to understand better the challenges and conditions
What role does the internal revenue service play : What role does the internal Revenue service play in interpreting and providing guidance on the tax law? What types of tax law guidance are published by the IRS
Develop a social media marketing program : Conduct your own research and develop a social media marketing program targeted at a segment of consumers that you should be able to understand.
Prepare entries for these transactions under the method : Prepare entries for these transactions under the method that records prepaid expenses as assets and records unearned revenue as liabilities.
Examine the percentage of the total bill left as a tip : A management consultant wants to determine whether the age and gender of a restaurant's wait staff influence the size of the tip the customer leaves.
What the cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs : A total of $529,380 in conversion costs were incurred in the department during the month. What would be the cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs
What is the sales volume from each market : What is the sales volume from each market? What is the sales trend for each market for the last 2 years? What is the net operating profit for the past year?


Write a Review

Marketing Research Questions & Answers

  Why is strategy important for amazon

Why is strategy important for Amazon? What strategy would you advise for Amazon for Amazon HQ2?

  Can leaders really motivate employees

Is there a way to create and sustain a motivating environment that will also help retain talent? What is it? How does it work?

  Can apple sustain its leadership in these markets

Apple has been successful in dominating the market for both MP3 players with its iPod and for music downloads with its iTunes service.

  Analyze and explain the supply chain of the new division

Develop a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the factors below.

  Who are the current customers or users

Create a Situation Analysis for one (1) of the following companies / brands: Jeep Cherokee,, or Google.

  How to align organizational structure with the work process

Select an organization of your choice and examine the structure. Then, briefly describe the type of structure the organization has and explain how it is effective in accomplishing the organization's goals. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ..

  Evaluate the degree to which the competency model presented

Compare and contrast two methods for collecting job analysis data, and then outline the pros and cons of each method.

  Describe some of the benefits of going public with a company

Discuss some of the factors that might influence a venture capital firm's funding decisions.Describe some of the disadvantages of going public with a company.

  Evaluate the profitability of the current market

Describe the company you chose and the industry they are in; include an overview of one of their products/services and the markets they serve.

  Select under comparison country any country of your choice

What can you tell us about the difference between the U.S. and the other country?Then select under Comparison Country any country of your choice.

  Revising and presenting your writing

You are under a tight deadline to submit a report to your manager. You are cutting it very close and consider submitting your report without revising.

  Approach to the franchisors demand

Your decision and approach to the franchisor's demand that you add ten stores to your city's franchises.

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