Develop a simple map application similar to uber app

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131041804

Problem: Develop a simple map application similar to Uber app.


Given location of 5 Taxi in data file, fmd the taxi that is closest to the customer position

- initially the current location of the phone
- if pickup location is clicked - user click(tap) on the screen_

Hard code the taxi position.

cab id cab Latitude cab Longitude

sample data:

1001 35.871785 -86476862
2001 35.868159 -86387581
3001 35.844500 -86423664
4001 35.838794 -86348648
5001 35.858761 -86.341524

Display the Taxi ID and the distance to the customer for the nearest taxi.


Reference no: EM131041804

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