Develop a simple dis- tributed computing environment

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131264593

This assignment is intended to emphasize the RPC principles. You are to develop a simple dis- tributed computing environment consisting of a multiple Clients and a Server. The system is to be implemented in C or C++ and using the rpcgen utility discussed in the class.

Server: The Server will be multi-threaded and support the following functions:

1. Date and Time - Returns the Current date and time.

2. Merge - Accepts a two lists and returns a merged list.

3. ReverseEcho - Returns whatever a Client sends as an input in the reverse order.

4. List - Returns a list of all files in the current directory.

5. Add - Accepts two integer matrices and returns their sum.

Clients: There will be multiple clients and they will concurrently invoke various functions on the server.
The Server and the Clients will be deployed on these following machines: - - - - - -

Please employ good software engineering principles in your design and implementation. Provide adequate documentation of your programs.

Create a makefile for your program. Submit all the source files (including the readme, input/output and make files) by using submitd command on Tesla.

Also turn-in a hardcopy of your report, before the beginning of the class on the due date, that briefly discusses your design and its pros and cons.

Reference no: EM131264593

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11/5/2016 9:16:55 AM

I have made the payment. Please ask the expert to work on every step mentioned properly because this assignment is ver important and things to remember: 1) please comment on each and every code line like as much as possible what code does. 2) please make the report 3) And instructions how to run and compile with proper screenshots. 4) Makefile I don't want anything out of mentioned in assignment . I will loose marks if i choose any other technique. Please do the assignment as mentioned in pdf file. Nothing outside it please. i know you will provide perfect solution. i will send you the stuff which was studied for rpc gen. Give me like couple of hours or so Please find rpc.pdf for what was taught in class. 19091951_1RPC.pdf

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