Develop a series of scenario statements

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131702752

Managing a Crisis

Crisis management and crisis communications are specialized business disciplines. In times of crisis, companies can act in a number of ways; from ignoring the situation and hoping it passes in the next news cycle to aggressively defending itself after the fact. Smart companies have plans that can be used in any crisis situation.

Using the company developed in the Unit 4 Individual Project, select a crisis that negatively affects the business from a legal or image standpoint.

Develop a series of scenario statements that you write ahead of time that you will present to the management and legal departments so that they may be used swiftly in a time of crisis.

Presentation Script

Create a script to accompany the presentation. It should include background on the crisis, how the situation will be handled, and the rationale for the scenario statements.

This part of the Individual Project should be at least 2-3 pages (single-spaced).

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a professional PowerPoint presentation. You will be assessed on the design of the presentation, including colors, backgrounds, professionalism, font, and graphics. Optional content includes sound, videos, and animation.

This part of the Individual Project should be at least 15 slides.

Reference no: EM131702752

Questions Cloud

Find the value of a stock that is expected to pay a dividend : Find the value of a stock that is expected to pay a dividend next year of $2.20, and for which analysts forecast growth rates that will continue.
What is difference between odbc and jdbc database interfaces : What is the difference between ODBC and JDBC database interfaces? Why is it important to have effective and powerful interfaces like these for databases?
Explain the relevancy of the simulation to the course : Summarize key points of the simulation. Explain the relevancy of the simulation to the course and to potential careers.
Prepare schedule to compute the ending inventory : A physical inventory on March 31, 2017, shows 1,856 units on hand. Prepare schedule to compute the ending inventory at March 31, 2017
Develop a series of scenario statements : Develop a series of scenario statements that you write ahead of time that you will present to the management and legal departments.
Discuss about-bonafide occupational qualification for job : Did Pan Am demonstrate that being female is a bona fide occupational qualification for the job of flight cabin attendant?
What problems would you foresee in the development : Wireless computing is receiving much attention these days. Why do you think that it would be useful? What problems would you foresee in the development?
Identify the elements of computer security : Secondary and credible sources such as CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, trade journals, and publications in EBSCOhost.
Calculate average-cost per unit : Pearl Company was formed on December 1, 2016. A physical inventory on March 31, 2017, shows 1,856 units on hand. Calculate average-cost per unit


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