Develop a season checking program

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM133516070

Discussion - Define Constant and Enumeration

Research and write a 200 word post to define and describe these C# items

• C# switch statement
• C# enum
• C# ternary operator

Assignment - Develop a Season Checking Program

Write a console application that allows users to input the month in numerical value (1-12), and tell the user what season it is.

1. Create an enum of months of the year
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

2. Create an enum of seasons:
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

3. Ask user for input:
"Please enter the month in numerical value (1-12) ° I

4. Take user input and store it in a integer variable.

5. Use if-else statement to make sure that user inputs a numerical value, and the value is within 1-12-

a If value is not a number, and it is not in range between 1-12, display message Please close program, run the program again, and input number between 1-12"

b If value is a number, and it is in range between 1-12, use a switch-case statement to check for the month.

a. If the month is March, April and May - Display message 'Today is Spring season'
b. If the month is June, July, and August - Display message 'Today is Summer season"
c. If the month is September, October. and November - Display message "Today is Fall season°
d. If the month is December, January. February - Display message 'Today is Winter season'

6. Write an APA paper that explains your development process:
a. Identify any roadblock or challenge encountered during the development. ‘
b. How did you solve any roadblock or challenge you faced'
c. Describe each line of code in your console application program cs file, its function and reasons for existence
d. Provide a screen shot of program results (the console application black screen).

Reference no: EM133516070

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