Develop a risk management plan

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132034097

Assignment Question

You have been appointed as the new Risk manager for your organisation

In this capacity the senior executives of your organisation have come to you with concerns about recent reports they have seen regarding the "Wannacry virus" and the issue faced by British Airways following the failure of their IT system. Their concern has been further increased by the recent report in the guardian newspaper on 23 January 2018 with the following headline.

"The head of the UK's National Cyber Security Centre has warned that a major cyber-attack on the UK is a matter of "when, not if", raising the prospect of devastating disruption to British elections and critical infrastructure.

In remarks underlining newly released figures showing the number of cyber-attacks on the UK in the last 15 months, Ciaran Martin said the UK had been fortunate to avoid a so-called category one (C1) attack, broadly defined as an attack that might cripple infrastructure such as energy supplies and the financial services sector."

While this refers to the UK the threat of a cyber risk is global. Therefore to reassure the senior management you are required to identify the cyber risk facing your organisation and develop a risk management plan including business continuity planning for your organisation to enable the organisation to continue trading in the event of the risk occurring.


An assignment coversheet should be completed and attached to the coursework. With your matriculation number the module number FIN09904 and module name Corporate Risk Management on the coversheet.

The essay will contribute 30% of the overall assessment mark for the module.

The word count excludes contents page, appendices and references.

In the assignment you would be expected to consider the three main phases in the plan

1 pre-incident
2 during incident
3 post incident & recovery

Attachment:- hints.rar

Verified Expert

Cyber risk management profiling is the objective of the report. The entire steps of the risk management action plan and its consequence to the business continuity and operational recovery makes up the discussion. All the three phases of the risk management discussed in detail. References are included as well.

Reference no: EM132034097

Questions Cloud

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What is the issuance of bonds on january : What is the issuance of bonds on January 1 and Interest Expense on December 31? Discount or premium as applicable is amortized over a straight- line basis
What is the required return for overall stock market : Assume that the risk-free rate is 6.5% and the market risk premium is 8%. What is the required return for the overall stock market?
What is the semi-annual yield of a bond : What is the semi-annual yield of a bond which costs $750 today, pays $25 in interest semiannually, and matures at the end of 10 years.
Develop a risk management plan : FIN09904 - Corporate Risk Management - Develop a risk management plan including business continuity planning
Explain the unified theory of personality : Think about all the theories you have studied in the course. What is your opinion on whether a unified theory of personality is possible?
What is the semi-annual yield of a zero-coupon bond : What is the semi-annual yield of a zero-coupon bond, which costs $500 today, pays no coupon during its life, compounds semi-annually
Firm is considering investing in project with cash flows : Suppose your firm is considering investing in a project with the cash flows shown below, that the required rate of return on projects of this risk class is 12%.
Economic growth key concerns of macroeconomics : Why are business cycles and long run economic growth key concerns of macroeconomics?



7/19/2018 4:05:13 AM

Hey guys! Use the services of Experts Mind, when you stuck for assignment you will get assured help from Experts Mind. Exact help you will be getting from them.


7/19/2018 4:04:20 AM

Impact Analysis Assess your business processes Determine which areas are vulnerable What are the potential losses if those processes go down for a day, a few days or a week This involves six general steps: Identify the scope of the plan. Identify key business areas. Identify critical functions. Identify dependencies between various business areas and functions. Determine acceptable downtime for each critical function. Create a plan to maintain operations


7/19/2018 4:03:13 AM

1. Introduction a. why choose the company b. background of the company 2. Risk identification a. use ERM approach(eg. timing, effect on company's borrowing power) b. the goal, like what parts of the company would be affected the most c. probability (normal distribution, binomial model) and how is the impact (e.g how much loss per day, calculated by profit/365 days in a year) d. PPRR model: 1. Prevention 2. Preparedness 3.Response 4. recovery 3. Business Continuity Planning : 1. Program 2. People 3. Process 4. Premises 5. Provider 6. profile 7. performance


7/19/2018 4:02:51 AM

Issues to consider Risk and Consequences - Brainstorm What risks can be associated with the business? Will the risks affect the operation, resourcing or revenue? Probability - the table should contain a probability of the risk occurring. This can be a percentage or a number. Impact - what is the impact to the business if the risk should occur? Build a scale appropriate for the project - smaller projects can use a simple impact of 1-5 (minimal to major) whereas larger projects may want a more formal scale. Mitigation Response - a brief overview of mitigation steps to eliminate or reduce the risk.


7/19/2018 4:01:58 AM

1. The assignment is not describing theories but to apply theories on practical case 2. Choose a company and explain why choose this company on cyber risk 3. how to use corporate risk management theory to prevent and solve the cyber risk 4. business continuity planning 5. need to add a table of risk probability, explain and analyse something like expected loss. probability can use normal distribution / binomial model, can use some virtual numbers to explain


7/19/2018 4:01:31 AM

The PPRR model consists of four parts: Prevention - take actions to reduce or eliminate the likelihood or effects of an incident. Preparedness - take steps before an incident to ensure effective response and recovery. Response - contain, control or minimise the impacts of an incident. (incident response team) Recovery - take steps to minimise disruption and recovery times after an incident (recovery plan)


7/19/2018 4:01:05 AM

While this refers to the UK the threat of a cyber risk is global. Therefore to reassure the senior management you are required to identify the cyber risk facing your organisation and develop a risk management plan including business continuity planning for your organisation to enable the organisation to continue trading in the event of the risk occurring. "to identify the cyber risk facing your organisation" 1. specific organization is required 2. identify the cyber risk is required 3. and develop a risk management plan including business continuity planning for your organisation to enable the organisation to continue trading in the event of the risk occurring.


7/19/2018 4:00:37 AM

29551680_10854e7df-f514-4900-a48d-777512c55965.jpg 29551623_2CRM hint 1.ppt 29551623_3hint 2.pptx


7/19/2018 4:00:21 AM

Risk Management Plan risk identification – pre incident risk assessment – during incident risk resolution – post incident and recovery


6/29/2018 12:52:12 AM

Websites that will provide relevant material to support assignment (Word Count 1700 words approximately) Marking criteria >70% All the points have been well addressed; appropriate and clear use of references; well supported argument with evidence; appropriate use of examples; Good presentation and clear logical discussion at each of the three stages of the plan; 69% - 60% All the required points have been fully addressed; clear use of references; argument are supported by evidence; appropriate use of examples; Risk Management plan to cover all the stages involved. Good clear presentation 59% - 50% All the required points have been addressed; some reference used; argument are supported by some relevant evidence; there are some examples but not fully discussed. 49% - 40% Some points has not been addressed; little reference used; some relevant examples used; argument is not well supported by relevant evidence; 39% - 30% Little reference used; no relevant examples used; argument are not supported by relevant evidence; <30% No reference used; no relevant examples used; argument are not supported by relevant evidence;

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