Develop a research study on the selected topic

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13963310 , Length: 20

This is for a Graduate Thesis. I would like to point out the following information as well.

Your final product should include the following elements:


.Literature Review

.Research methodology, using Excel or Minitab to run regressions or correlations



The final research paper follows these guidelines:

• Select a topic in finance. You may choose a topic in corporate finance, international finance, investment analysis, or derivatives.

• Develop a research study on the topic. This will include an introduction, literature review, research methodology, results/discussions, and conclusions.

• In your methodology, use Excel or Minitab to run regressions or correlations

• Final Research Paper Milestone One: See Format section of this document

• Final Research Paper Milestone Two: See Format section of this document

Milestone One: Topic

In 2-5, you will submit your topic along with a 1- to 2-page summary of why you chose that topic. This milestone is not graded; however, it will affectFinal Product grade under "Milestone submission..."

Milestone Two: Introduction and Literature Review

In 7-4, you will submit the introduction and literaturereview of your final research paper; this should be approximately 10 pages. This milestone is graded using the Final Research Paper Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Final Product

In 10-2, you will submit your final research paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.

Verified Expert

Reference no: EM13963310

Questions Cloud

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Develop a research study on the selected topic : You may choose a topic in corporate finance, international finance, investment analysis, or derivatives and Develop a research study on the topic.
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Implement an adversarial system : Imagine you are a judge on the Supreme Court of a nation. The country's trial-by-jury court procedure is currently under judicial review. The majority of the judges would like to implement an adversarial system
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