Reference no: EM132377423 , Length: word count : 1500
Research Topic — Development of automatic fall detection system(wearable device) for elderly people
Research Methods
The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:
1. Systematic understanding of research methodology and practice.
2. Ability to interpret and critically appraise the research of others.
3. Ability to develop a research proposal
4. Ability to plan a meaningful and original research project.
Assignment Tasks to be undertaken:
This assignment is intended to support the development of a clear research thesis proposal through:
• A concise introduction to the problem context
• The presentation of a clear aim and set of objectives adapted from assignment A
• An extended literature survey from assignment A
• An explanation and justification of the methodology that you intend to adopt for the study
• If relevant, a summary of any ethical issues that you anticipate and how these will be addressed
• A summary of the potential risks to the research and how these will be managed
• A workplan for the proposed study including Milestones.
This assignment should not be more than 3,000 words excluding references.
Excellent work which demonstrates that the student:
• Possesses an authoritative grasp of the conceptual context within which the work was undertaken.
• Is able to display originality, insight and powers of in-depth critical analysis in the solution offered and/or is able to sustain an argument displaying originality, insight into current debates and conceptual positions, in-depth critical analysis, and is capable of expressing this argument clearly, concisely and accurately.
• Possesses a high degree of relevant technical competence.