Reference no: EM133380938
Complete the steps below.
Your assignment is to use your research proposal topic for this paper. You are required to develop a research hypothesis or question that will be answered in your paper. Do not include the funding source from the research proposal in your research paper.
1. Your research paper should include the following information in paragraph format:
a. Title (Include the title of the paper and your name).
The following items should be on a continuous document. Make sure you label each section.
c. Abstract-It should be no more than 250 words. Include the reason for the writing, the problem (research question or hypothesis), the methodology, an overview of the results, and implications (what changes should be made). The abstract should be a summary of your work (not what someone else things). The abstract could stand by itself.
d. Introduction- Your introduction should contain the following elements (it should be one page):
i. Research topic or problem and its significance. (Why is it important?)
ii. Historical overview of the theoretical issues related to the topic
iii. Summary of previous reviews on this topic
iv. Why is additional study needed?
e. Literature Review-You should organize your sources by chronological order, publications, trends, thematic, methodical, current situation, history, methods, or standards. Avoid using direct quotes. You also want to read the information, summarize and synthesize it. You should use your sources to support your thought process. You may agree or disagree with some of the articles or you may decide that they lack information, or additional study is needed. You should have six or more scholarly sources. You may have additional sources but the minimum is six. Do not use blogs, Wikipedia or news articles. The majority should come from the book or peer-reviewed journals.
f. Methods- Include when the search was conducted, where you found your sources, how many total sources did you look at overall, how many sources did you end up using for your paper, how did you determine what sources to include and exclude and how did you organize your sources.
g. Results- It should represent the findings found without bias and without interpretation. You should have at least one bar graph that you create. Make sure that you introduce the bar graph and also give an interpretation of the graph. Label the x and y- axis. Put the chart title and have a legend. Do not copy and paste a graph. It should be your work! Make sure you cite your source.
h. Discussion- In this section, you will interpret and explain your results, answer your research question, justify your approach, and evaluate your study.
i. References (Make sure you call it References)- Cite your sources in APA style. Put the list of references in alphabetical order by the last name.
You should build your Reference page as you complete each section. You must cite any ideas that are not your own. Make sure you have in-text citations, but your references in the citation section. It should be no more than 3000 words. Make sure you paste the text in here and do not upload a Microsoft Word document.