Develop a questionnaire that can be used

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Reference no: EM133290559

Question: Your goal is to develop a questionnaire that can be used to qualify new personal line clients for your brokerage. The questions should be detailed enough to present a clear picture of your client's insurance needs without being as detailed as the applications. The questions should also help you uncover potential problems that may be faced when arranging insurance coverage, as well as other opportunities for insurance products.

Each of the sections should contain no more than twenty (20) questions, less if possible. They should be well thought out in order to elicit the most detailed response. Be aware of simple yes/no questions. Be sure you are not asking any questions that would be deemed unacceptable from a human rights perspective (for example, religion or ethnicity), unless necessary to underwrite of the risk (age and gender are acceptable).

Each of the parts should also contain an explanation of your method of questioning including what type of information you are trying to elicit with each answer. In order words, why are you asking that question? How would you explain it to an insured?

Part A The first part of the questionnaire should focus on the client themselves. The questions should be designed to help you get to know your clients, qualify them and uncover potential selling opportunities.

Reference no: EM133290559

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