Reference no: EM133036060
PUBH6001 Health Policy and Advocacy
Topic - Obesity
Presentation: Develop a Public Health Advocacy Campaign
Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse different theories and approaches to policy agenda setting to understand health policy formulation and advocacy for a specific population health issue;
Learning Outcome 2: Critically analyse and reflect on political and ethical issues in the formulation of evidence-based policy and its translation into real-world policy application
Learning Outcome 3: Critically analyse advocacy approaches and tools required to create an advocacy strategy to address a public health policy issue.
Group Presentation (ass 3):
Develop a Public Health Advocacy Campaign
- Define your chosen public health issue
- Decide on your preferred solution
- Discuss how this is related to policy change and develop an argument as to why should be on the health policy agenda
- Identify your target audience
- Get creative and develop some marketing material to deliver your main messages
- Design 10+ slides and write a script that will allow all members of your group to present to the class or online
Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will select a public health issue of interest and work in small groups to research, develop and present (10 minutes) a public health advocacy campaign.
Whether you work in government, the not-for-profit sector or private industry, advocacy will often be part of your role as a public health professional. You may be required to contribute to the development of an advocacy campaign to either raise awareness about a particular health issue, pitch for funding to develop a public health program or bring about policy change. In this assessment you will learn a range of key research communication and collaboration skills that are essential in public health advocacy.
For this assessment, you will research and develop an advocacy campaign on a public health issue of interest and deliver a presentation to the class (or online) in small groups.
As a group, select a public health issue of interest and complete the following tasks:
- Define your chosen public health issue. This will require research on:
o current statistics;
o existing policies; and
o evidence-based policy solutions.
- Decide on your preferred solution (e.g., promoting a green space in local areas to reduce childhood obesity).
- Discuss how this is related to policy change and develop an argument as to why this issue should be on the health policy agenda.
- Identify your target audience.
- Get creative and develop some marketing material to deliver your main messages. including a:
o Title;
o Logo;
o Slogan for your campaign;
o Several communications tools (e.g., a website, a poster, a flyer, social media posts or a video). Note: You can be as creative as you like, but remember we are not expecting you to be graphic designers. Simple mocked-up versions of these for your PowerPoint presentation are fine; and
o At least one community engagement tool (e.g., petitions, media releases or rallies).
- Design 10+ slides and write a script that will allow all members of your group to present to the class or online. Note: There is no set way to design slides; however, you can follow this structure as a guide:
o Slide 1. Introduction and presentation contents-What can the audience expect?
o Slide 2. Define the selected public health issue, including statistics, existing policy and other evidence.
o Slide 3. Define advocacy as per the course subject readings and outline the importance of policy development and agenda setting in relation to your chosen health issue.
o Slides 4-9. Present a campaign on your preferred solution.
o Slide 10. Conclusions and references.
You will not be able to cover all perspectives represented in the literature, but after reviewing the evidence, you need to select an argument and approach that will convince your audience that this is a worthwhile campaign.
Your proposed advocacy campaign should be a new idea. In developing this idea, you should research pre-existing advocacy campaigns in public health. This will provide you with insights into ‘real-world' advocacy campaigns and the sorts of strategies and activities they employ.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style to cite and reference
Attachment:- Health Policy and Advocacy.rar