Reference no: EM131051265 , Length: word count:2500
Assignment requires you to develop a project grant application for a health promotion initiative. The focus of the project (i.e. the health issue) can be the same as selected. If you wish to change to a new health issue this should be discussed with the unit coordinator to obtain approval.
Assignment provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills acquired over the course of this unit. To successfully complete the assignment, students will need to:
• Use the reading and review of literature undertaken for Assignment 1 to develop/modify a potential intervention aimed at reducing an NCD risk factor and suitable for implementation in WA;
• Critique similar programs that have tackled your health issue to consider what has worked/ what has not worked, so that your proposal can avoid or anticipate potential problems in program implementation;
• Use/apply the planning model PRECEDE-PROCEED to plan the project content, implementation and evaluation (please note this is a tool for you to use - the model doesn't have to be specifically described in the proposal);
• Develop a budget for your proposed project which will involve thinking about and estimating what staff and other resources would be required to implement your program here in Perth/Western Australia.
Unhealthy eating proposal
This ten pages proposal assignment about unhealthy eating behavior should be done based on the following:
1- It should be mainly based on the literature review attached
2- It should be done according to the Precede-Proceed Model explained in lecture 1 and lecture 2 materials.
3- It should be checked according to the instructions and marking criteria attached as separate files.
4- The references are from the literature review according to Vancouver style which is the same style in the literature review..
2500 words.
20 reference.
Assignment link -
What if one sender sends to two destinations
: If you have access to an SMP and a cluster, write a program to measure latency of communication and bandwidth of communication between processors, as was plotted in Figure F.32 on page F-80.
Firm ability to increase or decrease prices
: Students will then apply the elasticity concept to determine how the price elasticity of demand for the firm's goods or services would be categorized, and they will examine what that suggests for the firm's ability to increase or decrease prices.
Define similarity or difference in aca and apa ethical codes
: Read the section "Course Case Study" (ATTACHED) and analyze the behavior of the counselor, as a professional, that you consider unethical or unprofessional. Write a brief summary of the questionable behavior. Substantiate the summary with reasons ..
Paying off credit cards
: Simon recently received a credit card with an 18% nominal interest rate. With the card, he purchased an Apple iPhone 5 for $420. The minimum payment on the card is only $10 per month. If Simon makes the minimum monthly payment and makes no other char..
Develop a project grant application for a health promotion
: PUBH5754 Health Promotion 1, 2016: Assignment - Project Proposal. Assignment requires you to develop a project grant application for a health promotion initiative. The focus of the project (i.e. the health issue) can be the same as selected
Total asset turnover and the equity multiplier
: The Green Giant has a 5 percent profit margin and a 62 percent dividend payout ratio. The total asset turnover is 1.2 and the equity multiplier is 1.6. What is the sustainable rate of growth?
Construct a stem-and-leaf display for the data
: List all the values in a table and then construct a stem-and-leaf display for the data and construct a relative frequency histogram for these data with equal class widths, the first class being "$4 to less than $6".
What types of networks are used along that route
: Trace the route to another machine off campus. For example, if you have a friend you send email to, try tracing that route.
Different prices to different customers for the same good
: Price Discrimination (PD) occurs "when a firm charges different prices to different customers for the same good". Explain under what conditions PD is possible and profitable? How Price Discrimination impacts the consumer welfare? {Use neat and cle..