Develop a program that display cloud coverage map

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132229614

Assignment 1 -

Background - Your software company, Virtual Solutions, has just won a $1m contract to design a build a prototype Weather Information Processing System (WIPS).

For this assignment, you take on the role of a software architect. You are supplied with sample input weather data (kindly provided by the meteorological station), and you need to develop a program that does the following:

1) read in and process a configuration file.

2) display city map.

3) display cloud coverage map (cloudiness index).

4) display cloud coverage map (LMH symbols).

 5) display atmospheric pressure map (pressure index).

 6) display atmospheric pressure map (LMH symbols).

7) show weather forecast summary report.

The program should be compiled as 'submit1.exe' and run in Ubuntu 14.04 (Linux OS). The next section describes the requirements for the program.

Task Requirements -

A) Upon startup, the program should prompt user to enter a 'configuration' filename. The program then proceeds to read the contents (of the entered filename) to further initialize its own program parameters / data structures. Please refer to Appendix A, which provides details on the configuration file and its usage.

B) The meteorological station has adopted a map-grid coordinate system upon which it overlays all other weather data. With regards to display city map option, please refer to Appendix B, which elaborates on this coordinate system, the unit representation, the relative positioning of different cities and its display requirements.

C) For the display requirements of cloud coverage (cloudiness index), AND cloud coverage (LMH symbols) (i.e. options 3) & 4)), please refer to Appendix C, which will discuss about the interpretation of cloud cover input data, its subsequent processing algorithm and output format requirements.

D) For the display requirements of atmospheric pressure (pressure index) AND atmospheric pressure (LMH symbols) (i.e. options 5) & 6)), please refer to Appendix D, which will discuss about the interpretation of pressure input data, its subsequent processing algorithm and output format requirements.

E) For the display requirements of weather forecast summary report, please refer to Appendix E, which will provides details about the kind of summarized weather data to be displayed, processing algorithm to compute the probability of rain and its graphical display format.

F) Refer to Appendix F, for a description of the program's main menu requirements.

G) Once the program is completed and tested to be working successfully, you are encouraged to add on "new features" to the program that you feel are relevant to the problem. Additional marks may be awarded subject to the relevancy and correctness of the new functionalities. ( Note : the additional features will only be considered IF the program has correctly fulfilled all the basic requirements elaborated in the earlier sections! )

H) You are not allowed to declare your own C++ classes for this program, as this is a purely procedural (not Object Oriented) programming assignment!

I) You are to use only C++ language to develop your program. There is no restriction on the IDE as long as your source files can be compiled by g++ compiler (that comes installed in Tutor's Ubuntu Linux) and executed in the Ubuntu terminal shell environment.

Assignment 2 -

Aim - The objectives of this assignment includes:

  • Learning about encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and function overloading.
  • Apply the concepts learnt by developing a survey and path planning program.

Background - In a theoretical flat-land universe, everything is in 2 dimensions. People, animals, plants to planets, moons, galaxies and even space itself, is in 2D. In our flat-land space (i.e. 'flat-space'), there is a powerful organization called 2D-StarFleet (2DSF), whose goals include seeking out new life and civilization via exploration.

While on a routine mission of exploration, the flagship of 2DSF, the Enterprise-2D is trapped in an expanse of space encircled by a massive ring of violent, electrical plasma storm. Data coming in from the sensor array reveals that the only opening in this storm is located at the far end of the enclosed area, from Enterprise-2D's current location.

In addition, the sensor data also revealed that this area is populated by strange, 2D geometrical shapes, with sizes ranging from a small moon, asteroid, to large planets, or even a star! This implies that to travel to the 'exit' at the far end of the storm, you need to understand more about the properties of these shapes and attempt to chart a course to navigate to the exit!

As a Science Officer aboard Enterprise-2D, you need to develop a program that has the following capabilities:

a) Read in sensor data on the strange 2Dshapes (via manual input)

b) Compute the area ('mass') of these shapes

c) Print shapes report (e.g. list of points: on its perimeter, or totally within shape's area)

d) Sort shapes data (sorted by special type and area)

The next section provides information about the requirements for developing this program.

Task Requirements -

A) In terms of relative positioning, you may assume a coordinate system with Enterprise-2D at the origin, trying to navigate in a general 'upper-right' direction, to get to the exit in the storm. Please refer to Appendix A, which elaborates on this coordinate system and the unit representation of 2D shapes.

B) The sensor data coming in from Enterprise-2D's sensor array provides crucial information about the 2D shapes such as name, special type and location of all vertices (that outlines the perimeter of the shape). Please refer to Appendix B, which provides a more detailed description of the sensor data.

C) To assist you in the initial class design of your program, please refer to Appendix C, which illustrates one possible way of designing your program. It also describes a list of requirements which you need to implement, especially those marked under "compulsory". The classes highlighted in Appendix C are purely meant to store data about the 2D shapes entered into your program by user.

D) You are required to implement a main driver class called 'Assn2', whose methods are called to start the program. When started, it should print a menu providing the following functionalities:

  • read in sensor data on the strange 2D shapes (via manual input)
  • compute the area ('mass') of these shapes
  • print shapes report (e.g. list of points on its perimeter, or totally within shapes area)
  • sort shapes data (sorted by special type and area)

Appendix D provides more information about implementing this class.

E) Once the program is completed and tested to be working successfully, you are highly encouraged to add on "new features" to the program that you feel are relevant to the problem. Additional marks may be awarded subject to the relevancy and correctness of the new functionalities.

F) You are to use only C++ language to develop your program. There is no restriction on the IDE as long as your source files can be compiled by g++ compiler (that comes packaged in Ubuntu linux) and executed in the Ubuntu terminal shell environment.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132229614

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2/7/2019 3:23:08 AM

Assignment 1 - Once the program is completed and tested to be working successfully, you are encouraged to add on "new features" to the program that you feel are relevant to the problem. Additional marks may be awarded subject to the relevancy and correctness of the new functionalities. ( Note : the additional features will only be considered IF the program has correctly fulfilled all the basic requirements elaborated in the earlier sections! ) You are not allowed to declare your own C++ classes for this program, as this is a purely procedural (not Object Oriented) programming assignment! You are to use only C++ language to develop your program. There is no restriction on the IDE as long as your source files can be compiled by g++ compiler (that comes installed in Tutor's Ubuntu Linux) and executed in the Ubuntu terminal shell environment.


2/7/2019 3:23:02 AM

Assignment 2 - Once the program is completed and tested to be working successfully, you are highly encouraged to add on "new features" to the program that you feel are relevant to the problem. Additional marks may be awarded subject to the relevancy and correctness of the new functionalities. You are to use only C++ language to develop your program. There is no restriction on the IDE as long as your source files can be compiled by g++ compiler (that comes packaged in Ubuntu linux) and executed in the Ubuntu terminal shell environment. IMPORTANT: For this assignment, you should not assume that the 2D shapes in Appendix A are positioned exactly as shown in Appendix A, nor that there are not more shapes. There will, however, only be shapes of the types listed in Appendix B.

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